(A)   Obstruction of view. Landscaping or screening installed in any landscaped area shall not obstruct the view from or to any driveway approach, street, alley, or sidewalk. (See § 25-2-104.1 for sight triangle requirements.)
   (B)   Earth berm locations. All earth berm locations shall be reviewed to determine how the berms shall relate to drainage and public utilities.
   (C)   Refuse collection points shall always be screened with a six feet opaque barrier.
   (D)   Exceptions. A development may continue to comply with the bufferyard and screening requirements in effect at the time of issuance of its original permit, regardless of whether an adjacent lot or site is subsequently rezoned to a less intensive district which would otherwise require compliance with bufferyard or screening provisions.
(Ord. 4280, passed 4-4-2022)