(A)   Antennas in all zoning districts may be allowed after administrative review and approval of the appropriate planning and building official when attached to existing structure, including rooftops, building faces, water tower, or existing utility structure provided the antenna does not exceed 12 feet in height above the existing structure and blends in with said structure.
   (B)   This article recognizes two types of towers associated with PWS: those up to 75 feet in height, which are constructed primarily for local distribution and reception of wireless signals; and those greater than 75 feet in height, which are constructed primarily for the concentration and transmission of signals to and from other towers.
   (C)   Towers of any height shall be a conditionally permitted use by special review in A Agricultural and AR Agricultural Residential Districts.
   (D)   Except as noted in division (E) below and § 25-24-7 of this article, towers over 75 feet in height shall not be affected by the ordinances set forth in this article.
   (E)   Towers no greater than 75 feet in height shall be a conditionally permitted use by special review in all zones, except where current zoning permits towers as a use by right. However, allowances may be made to towers exceeding 75 feet in height if such towers must be extended due to local circumstances or to accommodate co-location by other PWS. The conditions set forth in this article shall apply to towers.