25-12-1 Article; scope
25-12-2 Nonconforming use; requirements; general; burden to show facts
25-12-3 Area requirements; compliance; required
25-12-4 Building; structure; completion
25-12-5 Building or structure; repair
25-12-6 Building or structure; enlargement; moving
25-12-7 Building or structure; damage
25-12-8 Building or structure; low value; limitation of time
25-12-9 Building or structure; different nonconforming use
25-12-10 Vacant property; limitation of time
25-12-11 Residence buildings; exceptions
25-12-12 Manufactured homes; exception
25-12-13 Floodplain Overlay Zone; uses
25-12-14 Same; structure; enlargement; alteration
25-12-15 Feedlots; corrals
25-12-16 Lot; nonconforming