(A) The top of a billboard may not be more than 45 feet above the roadway grade level.
(B) No billboard may exceed 288 square feet in size.
(C) No billboard is allowed at a distance less than 1,000 feet from any other billboard on the same side of the roadway, provided however, that billboards may be placed back to back where the separation of panels does not exceed ten feet.
(D) Billboards must be erected on a dark colored monopole.
(E) No double faced stacked billboards or billboards placed on top of a building are allowed.
(F) All billboards must be maintained in good repair and meet all city and state regulations.
(G) In addition to other applicable requirements, an applicant for a permit to erect a billboard shall furnish to the Development Services Department:
(1) Footing and structure details and a computer generated drawing of the proposed billboard; and
(2) A letter of review of the billboard location from the Nebraska Department of Roads.