(A)   Intent. The intent of an O-P Office and Professional District is to allow for a mixture of professional office and some residential occupancies with limited other compatible commercial uses.
   (B)   Principle permitted uses.
      (1)   Accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping services;
      (2)   Arts and crafts studio;
      (3)   Bank automated teller facilities; indoor;
      (4)   Bank and saving and loan;
      (5)   Barber/beauty shop;
      (6)   Church;
      (7)   Clinic;
      (8)   Communication facilities including communication tower, such tower not to exceed 150 feet in height. No guy wires, outrigging, or other supporting structures may extend beyond the foundation of the tower;
      (9)   Community center;
      (10)   Educational or charitable institutions and educational or scientific research services;
      (11)   Florist;
      (12)   Gift shop;
      (13)   Home occupations;
      (14)   Hospital;
      (15)   Insurance agency/services;
      (16)   Laboratory, medical, dental, and optical;
      (17)   Library;
      (18)   Marriage and family counseling;
      (19)   Mortuary;
      (20)   Multi-family dwellings. Whenever a lot or tract of land is used in whole or part for residential purposes, preliminary and final site plans of a proposed development must be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval;
      (21)   Municipal uses;
      (22)   Offices and professional services;
      (23)   Permanent cosmetic facility;
      (24)   Pharmacy;
      (25)   Professional membership organizations;
      (26)   Professional schools;
      (27)   Rooming/boarding house;
      (28)   School;
      (29)   Single-family dwelling. Whenever a lot or tract of land is used in whole or part for residential purposes, preliminary and final site plans of a proposed development must be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval;
      (30)   Tourist information booth; and
      (31)   Two-family dwelling.
   (C)   Special permit uses.
      (1)   Ambulance service;
      (2)   Animal clinic (indoor only): Residential use is permitted above the ground floor and within the confines of a business building. The entire business must be conducted within a building. Preliminary and final site plans must be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval;
      (3)   Bank automated teller facilities, outdoor (see division (C)(15) below);
      (4)   Book and stationery store;
      (5)   Day care center (child care center) or preschool (see division (C)(15) below);
      (6)   Delicatessen;
      (7)   Health food store;
      (8)   Restaurant;
      (9)   Temporary building or contractor’s storage and construction yard, incidental to the construction of a residential development or a real estate sales office to be used in marketing lots in a new subdivision, may be permitted if such a building or structure complies with all height and area requirements for the zone in which it is located;
      (10)   Temporary medical housing;
      (11)   Public utility facilities;
      (12)   Lodge or club;
      (13)   Utility plants;
      (14)   Water storage; and
      (15)   Residential use is permitted only within the confines of a building in which a permitted use is conducted. Preliminary and final site plans must be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval.
   (D)   Performance standards.
      (1)   Area and bulk regulations.
Minimum Lot Size (Sq. Ft.)
Minimum Lot Width (Sq. Ft.)
Maximum Lot Coverage (%)
Maximum # of Dwelling Units
Side Street (Ft.)
Floor Area Minimum (Sq. Ft.)
Height (Ft.)
Front (Ft.)
Rear (Ft.)
Interior Side (Ft.)
25 or D
A   If a lot abuts on a public alley, the minimum rear yard setback is five feet; otherwise, the minimum rear yard setback is 15 feet.
B   The minimum side yard setback is five feet for buildings and structures not more than three stories high. For buildings more than three stories high, the required minimum side yard setback is increased one foot for each additional story over three. Provided, in the case of a residential building extending across a common interior lot line of abutting lots which are in common ownership, the above minimum side yard setback requirements do not apply to such lot line, but there shall be a minimum side yard setback of five feet from the lot line on the opposite side of each of the lots in districts R-1, R-1a, and R-1b; and ten feet from the lot line on the opposite side of each of the lots in districts R-4 and O-P.
C   Minimum floor area per dwelling unit and the maximum lot coverage is as follows.
Minimum Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
Maximum Lot Coverage
D   The required minimum R District setback applies if the frontage between two streets separates an R District and either a C District, M District, or O-P District. If all frontage between two streets is in either a C or M District, no front setback is required.
      (2)   Accessory building/garage; detached.
         (a)   A detached accessory building must be located at least ten feet from the main building.
         (b)   On an existing reversed corner lot, a detached accessory building or garage may project into the side yard nearest the rear lot line if it does not extend beyond the front yard setback of the main structure, and if entrance to the garage is from the side street, the garage must be set back from the side street property line a distance of not less than 20 feet.
(Ord. 4072, passed - -2012; Ord. 4192, passed - -2016)