In order to carry out the purpose and intent of this chapter, the city and its land outside the city limits over which the city exercises zoning jurisdiction is hereby divided into the following zoning district classifications:
(A) R-1 Single-Family;
(B) R-1a Single-Family;
(C) R-1b Rural Residential Estate District;
(D) R-4 Heavy Density Multiple-Family;
(E) R-6 Mobile Home;
(F) O-P Office and Professional;
(G) PBC Planned Business Center;
(H) C-1 Central Business District;
(I) C-2 Neighborhood Commercial;
(J) C-3 Heavy Commercial;
(K) M-1 Light Manufacturing and Industrial;
(L) M-2 Heavy Manufacturing and Industrial;
(M) A Agricultural;
(N) AR Agricultural Residential;
(O) F Floodplain; and
(P) GG-O Gateway Green Overlay.