(A) Before a stormwater permit will be issued by the city, a SWPPP shall be submitted and approved by the city. The SWPPP shall be drawn to an appropriate scale and shall include sufficient information to evaluate the environmental characteristics of the affected areas, the potential impacts of the proposed grading on water resources, and measures proposed to minimize soil erosion and off-site sedimentation. The owner/developer shall perform all clearing, grading, drainage, construction, and development in strict accordance with the standards approved by the city and the approved SWPPP. In addition, the following information shall be included in any plan where land disturbance activity will be greater than one acre:
(1) A letter of transmittal, which includes a project narrative;
(2) An attached vicinity map showing the location of the site in relationship to the surrounding area’s watercourses, water bodies and other significant geographic features, and roads and other significant structures;
(3) An indication of the scale used;
(4) The name, address, and telephone number of the owner and/or developer of the property
where the land disturbing activity is proposed;
(5) Suitable contours for the existing and proposed topography;
(6) The proposed grading or land disturbance activity including the surface area involved, excess spoil materials, use of borrow material, and specific limits of disturbance;
(7) A clear and definite delineation of any areas of vegetation or trees to be saved;
(8) A clear and definite delineation of any wetlands, natural or artificial water storage detention areas, and drainage ditches on the site;
(9) A clear and definite delineation of any 100-year floodplain on or near the site;
(10) Storm drainage system, including quantities of flow and site conditions around all points of surface water discharge from the site;
(11) Erosion and sediment control provisions to minimize on-site erosion and prevent off-site sedimentation, including provisions to preserve topsoil and limit disturbance;
(12) Design details for both temporary and permanent erosion control structures;
(13) A copy of the notice of intent (NOI) for the state permit will be submitted;
(14) A chronological construction schedule and time frame including, as a minimum, the following activities:
(a) Clearing and grubbing for those areas necessary for installation of perimeter erosion control devices;
(b) Construction of perimeter erosion control devices;
(c) Remaining interior site clearing and grubbing;
(d) Installation of permanent and temporary stabilization measures;
(e) Road grading;
(f) Grading for the remainder of the site;
(g) Utility installation and whether storm drains will be used or blocked after construction;
(h) Building, parking lot, and site construction;
(i) Final grading, landscaping, or stabilization;
(j) Implementation and maintenance of final erosion control structures; and
(k) Removal of temporary erosion control devices.
(15) Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Inspector may require any additional information or data deemed appropriate and/or may impose such conditions there to as may be deemed necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of the NOI, CSW, or the preservation of public health and safety;
(16) A description of, and specifications for, sediment retention structures;
(17) A description of, and specifications for, surface runoff and erosion control devices; and
(18) A description of vegetative measures.
(B) For land disturbance activities, for less than one acre:
(1) Project name and description;
(2) Project start date and estimated completion date;
(3) Control measures to be installed;
(4) Waste disposal practices;
(5) Concrete washout;
(6) Track-out prevention practices; and
(7) A site map which must show the direction of stormwater flow, areas to be disturbed, location of concrete washout, location of soil stock piles, and location of control measures.