   A.   By Consumers: The tax levied pursuant to this chapter shall be paid by the consumer or user to the business and it shall be the duty of each and every business to collect from the consumer or user the full amount of any such tax, or an amount equal as nearly possible or practicable to the average equivalent thereto. Each business collecting the tax levied hereunder shall be responsible for paying over the same to the state department of revenue in the manner prescribed by this chapter and the state department of revenue shall administer and enforce the collection of such tax. (Ord. 8, 9-19-2005)
   B.   By Businesses: The tax levied and collected pursuant to section 3-4-2 of this chapter shall become due and payable by the business monthly on or before the twenty fifth day of the month immediately succeeding the month in which it is collected with the first payment due and payable on or before the day upon which remittance of sales tax is due to the department of revenue, but any person filing an annual or quarterly return under the Kansas retailer's sales tax act, as prescribed in Kansas Statutes Annotated 79-3607, may, with the approval of the secretary of revenue and upon such conditions as the secretary of revenue may prescribe, pay the tax required by this chapter on the same basis and at the same time he or she pays said retailer's sales tax. Each business shall make a true report to the department of revenue, on a form prescribed by the secretary of revenue, providing such information as may be necessary to determine the amounts to which such tax shall apply for all gross rental receipts for the applicable month or months, which report shall be accompanied by the tax disclosed thereby. Records of gross rental receipts shall be kept separate and apart from the records of other retail sales made by a business in order to facilitate the examination of books and records as provided herein. (Ord. 1064, 2-6-2006)
The secretary of revenue or the secretary's authorized representative shall have the right at all reasonable times during business hours to make such examination and inspection of the books and records of a business as may be necessary to determine the accuracy of such reports. (Ord. 8, 9-19-2005)
If, with respect to sections 3-4-2 through 3-4-4 of this chapter, inclusive, any taxpayer shall fail to pay any tax levied, fail to file a return, fail to supply information necessary to determine the accuracy of the taxpayer's returns, files a false or fraudulent return, or wilfully violates regulations of the secretary of revenue then such taxpayer shall be subject to interest and penalties as set out in Kansas Statutes Annotated 12-1698a. (Ord. 8, 9-19-2005)
The administration and collection of said tax shall be by the secretary of revenue as provided in subsection (c) of Kansas Statutes Annotated 12-1698 and herein. (Ord. 8, 9-19-2005)
There is hereby established within the city financial records a special revenue fund to be designated as the transient guest tax fund. All monies received by the city from the secretary of revenue of the state of Kansas, as provided herein, shall be credited to the transient guest tax fund. (Ord. 8, 9-19-2005)
3-4-8: USE OF FUNDS:
The monies on deposit in the transient guest tax fund, subject to lawful budget appropriations, may be used for the following purposes:
   A.   To contract with any agency, organization or group of firms to promote conventions and tourism within the city and its environs;
   B.   To provide for the operation, maintenance, expansion or development of city facilities connected with convention and tourism;
   C.   To create innovative projects and activities promoting conventions and tourism;
   D.   To promote the general economic welfare of the city and its environs, including the attraction of industry. (Ord. 8, 9-19-2005)