A. Specified: This procedure shall apply to purchases and sales of goods, merchandise, automobiles and other personal property. Sales of real estate shall be made to the highest responsible bidder at public or private sale, excepting sales of tracts or lots in the City Industrial Park. Contracts for professional services and for investment of idle funds may be let for bids according to this Chapter, but the same is not mandatory.
B. Bids Sealed; Public Inspection: All bids shall be sealed and shall not be opened except in public and thereafter shall be subject to public inspection. All bids shall be opened as soon as after the expiration of the time limit specified in the bid notice. (Ord. 945, 3-2-1991)
All purchases in excess of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00), except of real estate, shall be contracted to the lowest responsible bidder, as approved by the City Council. All sales of existing City property, in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00), shall be made to the highest responsible bidder. (Ord. 973, 9-6-1994; amd. Ord. 1251, 12-5-2022)
Public notice of the letting of bids or of the taking of bids shall be published at least once in the official City newspaper. Said notice shall list the date and time of bid opening and shall contain specifications for the bids or the location or place where said specifications may be obtained. (Ord. 945, 3-2-1991)
Sealed bids shall be taken upon the specifications developed by the City or its agents. The City may reject any bid for its failure to meet said specifications. Bids shall be accepted on the condition that all specifications are contained within the bid. The City Council may refer bids to the appropriate committee or the engineer for the City for review of the bid's compliance. (Ord. 945, 3-2-1991; amd. 1998 Code)
Successful bidders may be required to furnish qualifications and/or to furnish security conditioned upon the faithful performance of their contract or conditioned upon the payment of wages and compensation of all laborers employed on work for which a contract is made by a contractor, subcontractor, agent or any other person or condition, or both. (Ord. 945, 3-2-1991)
This Chapter may be utilized to take bids for investment of idle funds or funds not immediately required for the purpose for which the funds were collected or received. If the City Treasurer deems it necessary to employ this Section, notice shall be published in the official City newspaper or, in the alternative, a copy of said notice may be mailed, postage prepaid, to all interested institutions. The City Clerk shall make a proper certificate of mailing, should this option be employed. Said notice shall be directed to all commercial banks and savings and loan organizations having offices within the City. All bids may be rejected if deemed in the best interest of the City. Further, this Section is subject to the restrictions of Kansas Statutes Annotates section 12-1675, as amended, along with any other applicable laws or statutes. (Ord. 945, 3-2-1991; amd. 1998 Code)