A. Definitions: As used in this section, the phrase "toxic vapors" means and includes any substance containing one or more of the following chemical compounds or the vapors of products containing such compounds:
Amyl acetate;
Benzol or benzene;
Butyl acetate;
Butyl alcohol;
Carbon tetrachloride;
Ethanol or ethyl alcohol;
Ethyl acetate;
Isopropanol or isopropyl alcohol;
Isopropyl acetate;
Methyl "cellosolve" acetate;
Methyl ethyl ketone;
Methyl isobutyl ketone;
Toluol or toluene;
Triorthoscresyl phosphate;
Xylol or xylene; or
Any other solvent, material, substance, chemical, or combination thereof having the property of releasing toxic vapors.
B. Prohibitions:
1. Use Or Possession: It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally smell or inhale the fumes of toxic vapors or to induce any other person to do so, or to possess toxic vapors, for the purpose of causing a condition of or inducing symptoms of intoxication, elation, euphoria, dizziness, excitement, irrational behavior, exhilaration, paralysis, stupefaction, or dulling of the senses of the nervous system, or for the purpose of, in any manner, changing, distorting, or disturbing the auditory, visual or mental processes.
2. Purchase By Minor: No person under eighteen (18) years of age shall purchase or attempt to purchase any container or object containing a toxic vapor.
3. Under The Influence: It shall be unlawful for any person to be intentionally under the influence of any toxic vapors.
C. Seizure From Person Under Age Of Eighteen Years: Any container or object containing a toxic vapor, or which has contained a toxic vapor, found to be in the possession of a person under the age of eighteen (18) years, used for an unlawful purpose as defined in this section, shall be subject to immediate seizure by any law enforcement officer.
D. Violation; Penalty: Any person who violates this section shall be guilty of a class A violation.
E. Exception: This section shall not apply to the inhalation of anesthesia for medical or dental purposes. (Ord. 1026, 4-16-2001)
A. Interference with public swimming pool operation is intentionally or recklessly depositing or causing to be deposited any object or substance, into, upon or about any public swimming pool which results in the closing of such pool pursuant to rules of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
B. Interference with public swimming pool operation is a Class B violation. (Ord. 1269, 9-16-2024)
A. No person, firm, or corporation shall store any fireworks anywhere in the city, except as necessary for the performance of a public exhibition to be held as hereinafter provided. Such storage shall be in a safe place and shall be securely locked or guarded so that no child or unauthorized person shall have access thereto and shall be protected from fire hazards. The fire chief of the city shall inspect the storage to determine whether the same complies with the terms of this paragraph.
B. No person, firm, or corporation shall sell any fireworks anywhere in the city.
C. No person, firm, or corporation shall discharge any fireworks anywhere in the city, except:
1. At a public exhibition approved by the Governing Body; or
2. Between the hours of eleven o’clock (11:00) a.m. and eleven o’clock (11:00) p.m. on June 30 through July 3 and between the hours of eleven o’clock (11:00) a.m. and eleven-fifty-nine (11:59) p.m. on July 4, provided that the Chief of Police shall be authorized to ban such discharge if dry conditions exist and notice of such ban is published in the official city paper on or before June 20.
D. No person, firm, or corporation shall possess or discharge fireworks commonly known and referred to as Chinese lanterns, sky lanterns, or floating sky lanterns.
E. A violation of any provision of this section is a Class C violation. (Ord. 1269, 9-16-2024)
A. No person shall fail to comply with any condition, restriction, or term of any appearance bond issued pursuant to Section 1-9-7
B. A violation of subsection A. of this section is a Class A violation. (Ord. 1269, 9-16-2024)
A. No person shall fail to appear at the directed time and place before the Municipal Court on any complaint, citation, subpoena, or order that is issued by:
1. A law enforcement officer, city prosecutor, Municipal Judge, judge pro tempore, or Clerk of the Municipal Court; or
2. Any other city official or employee vested with authority to issue a complaint, citation, subpoena, or order.
B. A violation of subsection A. is a Class C violation. (Ord. 1269, 9-16-2024)