5-4A-4: STRAYS:
When any domestic animal shall be found running at large and taken up as provided by section 5-4A-3 of this article which is a stray, as defined by the laws of the state, and whose owner or keeper cannot be found, the chief of police shall report such taking up to the county sheriff and the animal shall be disposed of as provided by law. (1983 Code § 2-104)
It shall be unlawful for any person to bring within the city limits any dog, cat or any other animal, and to abandon such animal. (1983 Code § 2-105)
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or maintain any insects known as "Apis mellifera linnaeus" or more commonly referred to as honeybees, unless the following rules and guidelines are observed by said person:
   A.   Housing: Honeybees shall be housed in standard, movable frame hives and said facilities shall contain an adequate number of brood chambers and supers in conformance with industry standards. In no instance shall said facilities contain less than two (2) brood chambers, nor less than four (4) supers per hive.
   B.   Manipulation Minimized: Any person maintaining honeybees shall endeavor to keep manipulation at a minimum, except in case of an emergency, when weather or atmospheric conditions are likely to make the honeybees more agitated or aggressive.
   C.   Certification From Disease: No person shall purchase an established colony of honeybees unless said colony has been certified free from disease by the Kansas state apiary inspector or authorized agent of the Kansas board of agriculture.
   D.   Prevention Of Swarming: Each and every person that maintains honeybees shall follow necessary and proper industry practices and procedures to prevent or control swarms or the swarming of honeybees.
   E.   Location: Hives shall be located away from confined pets, swimming pools, children's play areas, driveways and doorways. In no instance shall the maintaining or keeping of honeybees create a condition that injures or endangers the public health, safety or welfare. Any maintenance or keeping of said honeybees shall be in full compliance with the provisions of title 4 of this code. (Ord. 867-B, 6-3-1985)
5-4A-7: PENALTY:
Any person violating any provision of this article shall be subject to penalty as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code. Any person who has been convicted of violating a provision of this article may, in addition to the fine, be ordered to dispose of or remove from the corporate limits of the city any animal, snake, insect or arachnid which is the subject of said violation. (Ord. 867-B, 6-3-1985; amd. 1998 Code)
5-4B-1: Public Service Officer
5-4B-2: License, Tag And Restrictions On Number Of Dogs
5-4B-3: Rabies Control
5-4B-4: Running At Large
5-4B-5: Impoundment
5-4B-6: Kennels
5-4B-7: Dangerous Dogs
5-4B-8: Penalty
There shall be named and appointed by the Chief of Police, with the consent of the City Council, a Public Service Officer who shall be responsible for enforcement of this article and for the feed and care of those animals captured. Such Public Service Officer shall be supplied with all insignia of office and equipment required for the enforcement of this article. He or she shall superintend and care for all dogs and cats impounded, provide, keep and maintain records showing the date of impoundment, the date of notification of the owner, harborer or custodian of such cat or dog impounded, the name of the owner, harborer or custodian of any cat or dog impounded, if the identity of such owner, harborer or custodian of any cat or dog impounded can be ascertained. The Public Service Officer shall supervise the proper care and feeding of all animals impounded, and in the event such animals are not redeemed, shall humanely destroy such animals as set forth in section 5-4B-5 of this article. (1983 Code § 2-207; amd. 1998 Code)
   A.   Required: It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, harbor or shelter, or permit to be owned, kept, harbored or sheltered within the corporate limits of the City, any dogs for which a License Tax shall not first have been paid, and a license tag secured therefor from the City Clerk.
   B.   Immunization Certificate: As a requisite to the procurance of a license for a dog, the owner, custodian or harborer of such dog, shall be required to submit to the City Clerk the immunization certificate or other satisfactory evidence, issued by a competent and recognized veterinarian, certifying that the dog for which the license is sought has been vaccinated or immunized against rabies within a period of twenty four (24) months last past.
   C.   Tax For License: There shall be levied a License Tax of one dollar ($1.00) on each neutered dog, and a License Tax of three dollars ($3.00) on each unneutered dog owned, kept, harbored or sheltered within the confines of the City, for each calendar year. Such license fee shall be paid to the City Clerk at the time application is made for such license. A receipt therefor shall be issued by the City Clerk as well as a metal tag bearing the words "20     City of Scott City, Kansas Animal License No.     " or other appropriate inscription stamped thereon. Each metal tag so issued shall be by the owner, custodian or harborer, affixed to a collar and the collar with the current tax tag shall be worn by the dog so licensed. The absence of such a collar with metal tag attached on any dog shall establish the presumption that such dog is not licensed.
   D.   Records Maintenance: The City Clerk shall keep and maintain a record of all license tags issued, together with record of name of owners, custodian or harborer of the dog so licensed, the number of the tag issued, a description of the dog so licensed, the date of issuance of the tag, the expiration date of the license, the amount of tax collected and the date and by whom the vaccination or immunization record was issued.
   E.   Restrictions On The Number Of Dogs: Not more than three (3) dogs shall be allowed in the residence or apartment of the owner or the person who has custody of a dog except the owner or person who has custody of a dog may retain the puppies born of said dog exceeding the permissible number for twelve (12) weeks after birth of the animals. If after that time, there are more than three (3) dogs in any one residence or apartment the owner or person in custody of the dogs will be in violation of this section. (Ord. 1190, 8-6-2018)