The function of the Police Department shall be the protection of the lives and property of the citizens of the City and the enforcement of the laws of the State and the ordinances of the City. The Police Department shall be under the immediate direction and supervision of the Chief of Police and shall consist of such other officers and members as may be authorized by the City Council and appointed by the City Council upon recommendation of the Police Chief. (1983 Code § 8-101)
The duties of the Chief of Police shall be as follows:
A. State Required Duties: Perform all duties required by the laws of the State to be performed by him.
B. Head Of Department: Act as head of the Police Department.
C. Recommend Officers For Employment: Recommend for employment such additional police officers as authorized by the City Council and approved by the City Council. (1983 Code § 8-102)
D. Other Required Duties: Perform all other duties required of him by the City Council and of this Code. (1983 Code § 8-102; amd. 1998 Code)
Police officers, while on duty, shall devote their time and attention to their respective duties according to the laws of the State, the ordinances of the City and the orders of the Chief of Police. It shall be their general duty at all times to the best of their ability, to preserve good order, peace, quiet and to enforce the laws of the State and the ordinances of the City. (1983 Code § 8-103)
When any person is arrested by a City police officer and charged with any offense which is a violation of the laws of the State, it shall be the duty of such police officer to inform the County Sheriff or County Attorney, and upon the request of such County officer, release such person to the custody of such County officer, making a memorandum of the same on the police docket. It shall be the duty of all police officers of the City to cooperate with officers of the State in the prosecution of all such offenses, and it shall be their further duty to give their evidence before any court or officer of the State, as required by law. (1983 Code § 8-105)
It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to maintain, at the police station, a proper police docket and cause to be entered thereon:
A. The name of every person arrested;
B. Date and time of his arrest;
C. Offense or offenses such person is charged;
D. Whether confined in jail or released under recognizance, and the amount of bail, bond or cash bail, and a copy of the receipt for a cash bond will be forwarded to the City Clerk immediately;
E. Decision of the court; and
F. If a jail sentence is imposed, the date of commitment to jail and the date of the termination of such jail sentence. Further, said information of jail time shall be forwarded to the City Clerk. (1983 Code § 8-106)