(A)   The radio operators shall be guided in their duties by the rules and regulations established by this chapter, and no change thereto shall be made except by action of the Board of Commissioners in either a regular or special meeting.
   (B)   The radio operator on duty shall answer all radio calls, including those of the town police, the Sheriff of the county and his or her deputies, all A.B.C. officers and officers of the State Highway Patrol.
   (C)   The operators shall keep fire trucks clean and in good running condition, and shall start each truck up once every day.
   (D)   It shall be the duty of the operators to keep both front and rear truck quarters clean.
   (E)   It shall be the duty of the operators to see that the telephone, No. 496-1, is used only for fire. It shall also be their duty to see that no long-distance calls are received over this telephone.
(1992 Code, § 32.05)  (Ord. passed 11-7-1950)  Penalty, see § 32.99