The limits of Scotland Neck shall be as set out in the first act of incorporation, with the following territory added thereto:
Beginning on the west side of present town limits, at the termination of 10th Street, in present plan of the town, on the north side thereof, thence in a westerly direction with the course of said street 460 feet; thence in a parallel line with present town line to a point in the course of the prolongation of the north side of 14th Street; thence with said course in an easterly direction to the present town limits 460 feet; thence parallel with and along present town line to the beginning: and beginning on the east side of present town limits, at a point in the course of the line of the south side of 8th Street; thence in an easterly direction the course of this street 1380 feet; thence in a parallel line with Greenwood Street to a point in the course of the north side of 14th Street; thence with the course of said street 1380 feet to present town limits; thence parallel with Greenwood Street to the beginning.
(Pub. - Priv. Laws 1908, Ch. 4, § 1) (1992 Code, Charter Art. II, § 2)