Where no fee has been designated elsewhere in this Chapter or in this Code for specific professional, occupational, business and/or commercial establish- ments wherein such professions, occupations, businesses and/or commercial establishments are in fact regulated elsewhere within this Chapter or within this Code, the yearly fees for licenses to permit the operation of such professions, occupations, businesses and/or commercial establishments in the Village shall be computed as follows:
(A) Fee.
(1) All food establishments which have an established place of business within the corporate limits of the Village shall be assessed a fee to cover the cost of enforcement of health and safety regulations, including fire prevention, which fee shall be determined in accordance with the following schedule:
Floor Area of Place of Food Establishments
1 through 2,500 square feet $ 150.00
2,501 through 5,000 square feet 200.00
5,001 through 7,500 square feet 250.00
7,501 through 10,000 square feet 300.00
10,001 through 12,500 square feet 350.00
12,501 through 15,000 square feet 400.00
15,001 through 17,500 square feet 500.00
17,501 through 20,000 square feet 600.00
Over 20,000 square feet 700.00
(2) All other professions, occupations, businesses and/or commercial establishments which have an established place of business within the corporate limits of the Village and are not listed in subsection (B) of this Section shall be assessed a fee to cover the cost of enforcement of safety regulations, including fire prevention, which fee shall be deter-mined in accordance with the following schedule:
Floor Area of Place of Business (Other Than Food Establishments)
1 through 2,500 square feet $ 100.00
2,501 through 5,000 square feet 150.00
5,001 through 10,000 square feet 200.00
10,001 through 25,000 square feet 250.00
25,001 through 50,000 square feet 300.00
50,001 through 100,000 square feet 350.00
100,001 through 199,999 square feet 400.00
200,000 through 299,999 square feet 600.00
300,000 through 399,999 square feet 900.00
400,000 square feet and over 1,100.00
(B) Fees for Specific Businesses. Fees for other professions, occupations, and businesses which have no established place of business within the corporate limits of the Village but operate professions, occupations, and businesses within the corporate limits of the Village are listed below; and the license fees of certain additional professions, occupations, businesses and/or commercial establishments regulated elsewhere in this Chapter or in this Code, are for convenience repeated hereinbelow:
Type of Operation License Fee
Ambulance service (per ambulance) $ 50.00
Billiard and pool table (per table) 100.00
Carnival and circus (per day) 100.00
Coin-operated rides, $0.25 30.00
Coin-operated machines
for amusement only 30.00
Side shows (per show) 25.00
Table games 30.00
Per day 25.00
Per month 50.00
Per year 150.00
Automatic coin vending machines
Candy 30.00
Cigarette, cigar, other tobacco
product, alternative nicotine product,
or electronic cigarette 75.00
Coffee, soup 30.00
Ice 30.00
Ice Cream 30.00
Juke box 30.00
Milk 30.00
Novelty 30.00
Pop 30.00
Sandwich/snacks 30.00
Soap or bleach 30.00
Water 30.00
Automobile junkyards 300.00
Automobile filling stations, self-serve
facilities (per dispenser) 100.00
Bakeries, wholesale (per truck) 75.00
Beverage distributor (per truck) 50.00
Christmas trees 45.00
Cash bond in addition 35.00
General or building 200.00
Other 200.00
Carpenter 100.00
Concrete and cement 100.00
Drain layer 100.00
Excavator 100.00
Glazers 100.00
Heating and air conditioner 100.00
Landscaping 100.00
Mason brick or stone 100.00
Painting and decorating 100.00
Roofing (new and/or repair) 100.00
Siding (gutters, etc.) 100.00
Sewer repairs and/or cleaning 100.00
Entertainer, 1 50.00
Entertainers, 2 to 4 100.00
Entertainers, over 4 300.00
Expressmen, draymen, carters (per truck) 35.00
Food catering trucks (excluding cigarettes) 150.00
Itinerant merchants (per day) 30.00
Junk Yard Dealers 500.00
Motel or hotel (per room) 10.00
Other cigars, cigarettes, tobacco
products, alternative nicotine products,
or electronic cigarettes sales 150.00
Parking lot
1 to 50 cars 100.00
Over 50 cars 200.00
Peddlers license fee 25.00
If using a vehicle 50.00
Must comply with §§ 122.01 et seq.
Public dances 50.00
Scavengers 350.00
Recycling 150.00
Solicitors certificate fee 7.50
Must comply with §§ 122.20 et seq.
Trailer camp or mobile home parks
Application fee 50.00
License fee 250.00
Registration fee 50.00
Yearly inspection fee, per space 10.00
Temporary permit, 30 days 25.00
Vehicles for hire (does not include vehicle tag)
Carters and truckers, each truck 50.00
Taxicabs and livery, each 30.00
C) Fee for Licenses Issued for a Period of Less than One Year.
(1) The entire annual fee shall be charged for any license or permit issued prior to January 1 of any year.
(2) One half of the annual fee shall be charged for the initial issuance of any license or permit required pursuant to subsection (A) of this section and issued on or after January 1 and prior to June 1 of such initial license year.
(3) In the event payment of a fee or charge for renewing a license or permit shall be received after June 1 of the applicable year, a $25 late fee shall be added for each calendar month the fee remains unpaid. A single day after each calendar month shall constitute an additional calendar month for purposes of this subsection.
(D) Operating License Fee - Taxicab Companies. This section shall not regulate the operating license fee for Taxicab Companies. The operating license fee for Taxicab Companies is set forth in § 123.31 of this Code.
(Ord. 02-2350, passed 7-9-02; Am. Ord. 03-2429, passed 9-23-03; Am. Ord. 03-2430, passed 10-28-03; Am. Ord. 03-2434, passed 11-6-03; Am. Ord. 04-2486, passed 11-9-04; Am. Ord. 05-2501, passed 1-11-05; Am. Ord. 11-2829, passed 5-10-11; Am. Ord. 14-2970, passed 7-3-14; Am. Ord. 19-4139, passed 4-4-19; Am. Ord. 19-4165, Passed 8-1-19)