The Village Board shall require the submission of applications for an initial Franchise under this Chapter. Initial applications for a Franchise shall include at a minimum:
   (A)   A clear and precise description of the identity of the applicant, including, but not limited to, the name of the applicant, the address of the applicant, a description of the type of business entity which characterizes the applicant, a statement of those Persons who hold ownership of five (5) or more percent of the stock of the business entity of the applicant, or who hold five (5) or more percent of partnership interests, a description of the major activities of the business entity of the applicant, and evidence of the compliance of the business entity of the applicant with all applicable federal, state, and local laws applicable thereto.
   (B)   Plans and specifications relating to all aspects of the applicant's proposed Cable System, as are applicable to the building and zoning laws of the Village.
   (C)   A map or maps of a scale of not less than one (1) inch equaling one thousand (1,000) feet showing the precise geographic area for which applicant seeks a Franchise (Franchise Area);
   (D)   Projected financial pro forma for system revenue, expenditures, debt servicing, rate of return, and operation for a period of no less than ten (10) years, and evidence of financial responsibility in the form specified by this Chapter.
   (E)   Financial statements, annual corporate reports and balance sheets, profit and loss statements for no less than the previous two (2) years.
   (F)   Written documentation of financial support from a financial institution for issuance of any loans, bonds, notes, or other related instruments to the Applicant for the purpose of defraying the costs of Cable System construction or operation.
   (G)   A non-refundable application fee of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) shall be paid to the Village prior to the effective date of the Franchise. At the awarding of a Franchise, a license fee in an amount of the Village's costs to award the Franchise shall be used by the Franchising Authority solely to offset direct expenses incurred in the evaluation and awarding of the Franchise sought by said application issued pursuant to this Chapter.
   (H)   Detailed plans and specifications for the Cable System which are proposed by the applicant, showing the routing of trunk and feeder cables reflected by the maps provided pursuant to Section 113.306(C), and a schedule for Cable System construction.
   (I)   A statement of applicant's technical service and repair capabilities within the Village, and customer service operations for the community.
   (J)   A listing of all Franchises wholly or partially owned by the applicant or applicant's business entity within the State of Illinois, and date of expiration for each such Franchise.
   (K)   A statement by the applicant indicating if a Franchise held by the applicant or applicant's business entity has been revoked or denied renewal. Such statement shall also include representations that the owners, partners, operating officers, principals, or principal stockholders owning five (5) or more percent of the applicant's business entity have not been convicted of a crime, or have been placed under investigation or indictment for alleged illegal or improper activities by any state investigative agency, or federal investigative or regulatory agency, including but not limited to, the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Communications Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission, or the Federal Trade Commission.
   (L)   A statement certifying compliance with the Illinois State Statutes, indicating that the applicant has not been convicted of bid rigging or bid rotating, and that the applicant has a policy in effect addressing sexual harassment.
   (M)   Any information or facts requested by the Franchising Authority or an officer of the Village which are not included in the above subsections that are pertinent and appropriate to the evaluation and awarding of a cable television Franchise.
(Ord. 01-2301, passed 12-11-01)