(A)   The 2021 edition of the International Building Code as promulgated and published by the International Code Council, is hereby adopted. This code shall herein be known as the 2021 International Building Code or 2021 IBC.
   (B)   The 2021 International Building Code is hereby amended in the following respects:
      (1)   "Village of Schiller Park" shall be inserted wherever the "Name of Jurisdiction" or "Insert Name of Department" appears within the 2021 International Building Code.
      (2)   As used throughout the 2021 International Building Code, the terms "Building Official" shall mean and include the Code Official and/or the Director of Community Development of the Village of Schiller Park.
      (3)   Section 101.4.3 is deleted in its entirety and amended to state:
      Plumbing. The current edition of the Illinois Plumbing Code is hereby adopted by reference where "Plumbing Code" or "International Plumbing Code" used within the 2021 International Building Code.
      (4)   Section 102.6 is deleted in its entirety and amended to state:
      The legal occupancy of any structure or building existing on the date of adoption of this code shall be permitted to continue without change, except as otherwise specifically provided in this code, the International Existing Building Code, the International Property Maintenance Code, the International Fire Code, or the Life Safety Code (NFPA 101).
      (5)   Section 104.5 is amended in its entirety hereby; so that hereafter the said Section 104.5 shall be and read as follows:
      "104.5 Identification: The Building Official and his/her authorized representatives shall carry proper credentials of their respective office for the purpose of inspecting any and all buildings and premises in the performance of duties under this code. Such credentials shall be in the form of identification media as provided by the Village of Schiller Park."
      (6)   Section 105, is amended to include additional sections, Sections 105.8 and 105.8.1; so that hereafter the said Sections 105.8 and 105.8.1 shall be and read as follows:
      "105.8 Demolition of structures - permit and bond: A demolition permit must be applied for and obtained prior to the performances of any building demolition work. The demolition permit fee shall be paid as required in accordance with the most recent fee schedule approved by resolution by the President and Board of Trustees. The demolition contractor must be licensed by the Village and furnish a surety bond in accordance with the Village fee sched.
      105.8.1 Exception: The provisions of this section may be waived at the discretion of the Building Official when the demolition work is both minor in nature and part of the renovation of an existing building."
      (7)   Section 107.1 is hereby amended and shall read as:
      107.1 General. Submittals for permit application shall include but not be limited to construction documents, statement of special inspections, geotechnical report and other data submitted in a format and quantity determined by the Village of Schiller Park. The construction documents shall be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed. Where special conditions exist, the building official is authorized to require additional construction documents to be prepared by a registered design professional.
      Exception: The building official is authorized to waive the submission of construction documents and other data not required to be prepared by a registered design professional if it is found that the nature of the work applied for is such is not necessary to obtain compliance with this code. For these projects of minor nature, as determined by the building official, and at the discretion of the building official a complete permit application and a detailed itemized scope of work may suffice for permit issuance.
      (8)   Section 107.2 is hereby amended to include the following.
      (A) 107.2.1 Information on construction documents. Construction documents submitted for review shall be in a format and quantity determined by the Village of Schiller Park. The construction documents shall clearly indicate "Released Construction" or "Released for Permitting."
      The construction documents shall be prepared by a licensed design professional as required by the State of Illinois. Where special conditions exist, the building official is authorized to require additional construction documents to be prepared by a registered design professional which is licensed to practice within the State of Illinois. The plan shall require a statement of certification by the professional and his/her signature. The statement shall be as follows:
      "These plans and specifications were prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and to the best of my knowledge, conform to the Building Codes and Ordinances of the Village of Schiller Park. I (am – am not) inspecting the work.
   License Number and Expiration Date."
      (B) 107.2.6 Site Plan. The application for permit shall be accompanied by a site    plan prepared to an approved scale. The final approved site plan must show the location of all existing and proposed buildings and structures on the parcel. The site plan must be fully dimensioned to indicate the distance from proposed the proposed building or structure in relationship to all parcel lines lot lines and existing buildings or structures on the same parcel, and it shall be drawn in accordance with an accurate boundary line survey. The site plan must show the established street grades and the proposed finished grades. The site plan shall be a separate drawing in compliance with the format and quantity of drawings for the plat of survey required by the Zoning Ordinance.
      In the case of demolition, the site plan shall show all construction to be demolished and the location and size of all existing structures as well as all construction that are to remain on the site or plot, including but not limited to:
         1.   The number of off-street parking places (including handicapped parking spaces) required by the Zoning Ordinance and this Code, and the number of off-street parking places provided.
         2.   The number of off-street loading berths required by the Zoning Ordinance and this Code, and the number of off-street loading berths provided.
         3.   The area of proposed paved areas for vehicular traffic and parking.
         4.   The area of proposed sidewalks. The area of building footprint designated as both new and existing.
         5.   The total floor space area designated as both new and existing.
         6.   The Group classification.
         7.   The construction type classification.
      When required by the Zoning Ordinance, the site plan shall also include any additional information as required by the Zoning Administrator for compliance with the Schiller Park Zoning Ordinance.
      (C) 107.2.9 Equipment plan. The construction documents, where applicable to the overall project scope of work shall provide an Equipment Plan for the following occupancy types: Groups F, H, I, S and for all restaurant or food service uses. The Equipment Plan is floor plan prepared to an approved scale that includes but not limited to the location of all equipment, the full workspace, egress aisles, electrical connections, gas connections, plumbing connections (both direct and indirect), mechanical ventilation and exhaust provisions for equipment and any fire suppressions devices.
      The applicant shall also provide equipment manufacturer cut sheets and material sheets in a format and quantity determined by the Village of Schiller Park. This supplemental construction document submittal shall include but not be limited to technical data and specifications, for each equipment item.
      Equipment plans may be required for other occupancy types at the reasonable discretion of the building official. Provisions of this section may be amended or waived at the reasonable discretion of the building official.
      All doors leading to the exterior labeled as an exit shall comply with Chapter 10 of the IBC and IFC.
      (9)   109.1 Payment of fees. An initial permit application involving a review of the construction of the documents shall include a fee, as established by the Village of Schiller Park. A permit shall not be valid until the fees prescribed by law have been paid, nor shall an amendment to a permit be released until the additional fee, if any, has been paid.
      (10)   109.2 Schedule of permit fees. Where a permit is required, a fee for each permit shall be paid as required, in accordance with the schedule as established by the Village of Schiller Park prior to permit issuance.
      (11)   Section 113 is amended in its entirety to read as follows:
   "SECTION 113
      113.1 Board of appeals. The President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Schiller Park shall serve as the Board of Appeals. The Village of Schiller Park shall administratively put in place the process to allow for appeal of decisions rendered by the building official, hear appeals, and render findings.
      113.2 Limitations on authority. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully apply or an equally good equivalent or better form of construction is proposed. The President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Schiller Park shall serve as the Board of Appeals. The Board of Appeals shall not have authority to waive requirements of this code or interpret the administration of this code.
      113.4 Administration. The building official shall take immediate action in accordance with the decision of the board.
      (12)   Section 202 is amended to hereby include the following definitions:
      "CODE OFFICIAL. An Inspector of the Community Development Department of the Village of Schiller Park (including authorized agents and representatives) charged with the administration and enforcement of this Code. As used in this Code, "CODE OFFICIAL" shall mean and include "Building Official" and "Building Inspector".
      "DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. The Director of Community Development of the Village of Schiller Park."
      (13)   Section 406 is hereby amended to include the following:
   406.9 Parking lots.
      406.9.1 Permit required. No person shall construct a parking lot for vehicles or pave any area without first obtaining a permit.
      406.9.2 Permit application. Application for a permit for a Parking Lot or Paved Area shall be made and the same issued in accordance with this Code. The application shall include all construction documents required by the Village permitting process. Based on the overall project scope the Building Official may require construction documents to be prepared and sealed by a registered design professional.
      406.9.3 Curb cuts. Parking lots shall be arranged to afford ready means of entrance and exit at sidewalk level; special permits shall be secured for curb cuts from the administrative authorities.
      406.9.4 Lanes and parking spaces. The minimum access lane shall be not less than twelve (12) feet wide. Sizes of lanes and parking spaces shall be as set forth in Article XXII - Off-street Parking and Loading of the Village Zoning Ordinance. The layout, include ingress and egress from the parking facility shall be approved by the fire department.
      406.9.5 Protection of adjoining property. A substantial bumper of masonry, steel or heavy timber shall be placed near all interior lot lines to protect structures and property abutting the parking lot.
      406.9.6 Electric illumination. Electric light wiring shall be provided to furnish adequate illumination of driveways and lanes as required by the administrative authorities for street lighting, but such illumination shall not be less than 0.25 lumens per square foot of parking space.
      406.9.7 Surface requirement. Every parking lot and every paved area shall be covered with concrete, asphalt or other approved surfaces, and such parking lot or paved area shall at all times be kept clean and free from dirt and refuse. In addition, the surface shall be capable of supporting the imposed load of the largest fire department apparatus or 75,000 pounds (34050 kg), whichever load is greater.
      406.9.8 Storm water drainage. Every parking lot and every paved area in excess of 3,000 square feet shall provide storm water detention storage to eliminate the excessive water run off during heavy storm periods as provided by the New Millennium Code of the Village.
      406.9.9 Parking lot specifications. Parking lots or paved areas shall meet the standard specifications as prepared and placed on file by the Village Engineer within the Division of Engineering.
      406.9.10 Enclosed Parking Lots. The conversions of existing buildings or structures for use as a parking facility shall comply with the requirements for the new occupancy type through the established Village change of occupancy process. These parking facilities shall be approved through the permit process, with the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy prior to use as a parking facility.
      (14)   Section 406 is hereby amended to include the following:
   "406.10 Driveways.
      406.10.1 Permit required. No person shall construct a driveway for vehicles across any sidewalk or any public place without first having obtained a permit therefor.
      406.10.2 Permit applications. Application for a driveway permit and the same shall be issued in accordance with Sections 105 and 107 of this code, unless amended by Section 406.10.
         1.   Application for a driveway to be used in connection with business, commercial or industrial uses, or to serve the habitual use of persons other than the owner or occupant of the premises served by such driveway, shall be accompanied by a bond in the sum of Ten Thousand and No/100ths Dollars ($10,000) with good and sufficient sureties thereon satisfactory to the Village, conditioned so as to indemnify and hold harmless the Village, its officers and employees, against all claims for damages, costs and expenses in any way connected with or occasioned by reason of the existence, construction or use of such driveway, whether or not said claims, costs and expenses are due, or claim to be due, to any acts or omissions of the Village, its officers, employees, or any other person.
         2.   Any lapse or termination of any such bond shall cause an immediate revocation of such permit.
         3.   Permits issued hereunder shall be subject to termination by resolution of the corporate authorities without the consent of the permittee and without cause or compensation.
         4.   Upon any termination or revocation of such permit, the owner of the property shall within thirty (30) days thereof remove said dnveway and restore said sidewalk and other public places to its original condition at his own expense.
      406.10.3 Grade and surface. No driveway shall be constructed or graded so as to leave a steep, sharp depression or other obstruction in the sidewalk, parkway or roadway. The grade shall be as nearly as possible the same as that of the adjoining sidewalk and roadway. It shall be unlawful to have the surface finish of any driveway, where the same crosses the sidewalk constructed of such materials as to render it slippery and hazardous to pedestrians, or to have the grade of such portion of the driveway vary from the grade of the sidewalk, or to be other than level at such point unless approved by the Building Official.
      406.10.3.1 Accessibility. Driveway access across sidewalks shall not affect the accessible route, with the slope and cross slope along the path of accessible travel on the sidewalk in compliance with state requirements for accessibility.
      406.10.4 Construction specifications. Driveways across sidewalks shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete. Other portions of such driveways shall meet the standard specification prepared by the Village Engineer.
      406.10.5 Repair and maintenance. It shall be the duty of the person, firm or corporation maintaining the driveway to keep the same in good repair and maintenance and free from obstructions at openings where it crosses sidewalks and other public places.
      406.10.6 Size specifications. Driveway size specifications shall comply with Chapter 96 of the Village of Schiller Park Code of Ordinances.
      (15)   Sections 901.6.1 and 901.6.3 are amended in their entireties hereby: so that hereafter the said Sections 901.6.1 and 901.6.3 shall read as follows:
      901.6.1 Automatic sprinkler systems. The Permittee shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Village of Schiller Park alarm ordinance in effect at the time of permit application.
      901.6.3 Fire alarm systems. The Permittee shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Village of Schiller Park alarm ordinance in effect at the time of permit application."
      (16)   Section 903.2.8 is hereby amended to add Section 903.2.8.5. which shall read as follows:
      Section 903.2.8.5 Group R retrofit. Existing Group R-2 occupancies converted to legal condominiums in compliance with the Village of Schiller Park shall be retrofitted with an automatic sprinkler system in compliance with Section 903.3.1.1 or Section 903.3.1.2. Legal condominiums converted from individual ownership of the dwelling units to a Group R-2 (Apartment) occupancy under a single ownership shall be retrofitted with an automatic sprinkler system in compliance with Section 903.3.1.1 or Section 903.3.1.2.
      (17)   Sections 903.4 and 907.14 are amended in their entireties hereby; so that hereafter the said Sections 903.4 and 907.14 shall read as follows:
      903.4 Sprinkler system supervision and alarms: Except as set forth in this Section, all automatic fire suppression systems required for A, B, E, H, I, M or R occupancies shall be supervised by method 1 and all automatic fire suppression systems in other occupancy types shall be supervised by one of the following methods:
      1.   By a radio network broadcasting directly to the Schiller Park Fire Department Communication Center, in accordance with NFPA 72.
      2.   By locking "open" all sectional control valves and other valves in lines supplying water from connections to water supplies to fire protection devices.
         1.   Automatic sprinkler systems protecting one- and two-family dwellings.
         2.   Limited area systems serving fewer than 20 sprinklers.
         3.   Automatic sprinkler systems installed in accordance with NFPA 13R where a common supply main is used to supply both domestic water and the automatic sprinkler systems and a separate shutoff valve for the automatic sprinkler system is not provided.
         4.   Jockey pump control valves that are sealed or locked in the open position.
         5.   Control valves to commercial kitchen hoods, paint spray booths or dip tanks that are sealed or locked in the open position.
         6.   Valves controlling the fuel supply to fire pump engines that are sealed or locked in the open position and
         7.   Trim valves to pressure switches in dry, preaction and deluge sprinkler systems that are sealed or locked in the open position.
      907.14 Fire Alarm Systems: All required fire alarm systems shall transmit alarm and trouble signals directly to the Schiller Park Fire Department Communications Center.
         1.   Single- and multiple-station smoke alarms required for Group R-2 and R-4 occupancies.
         2.   Smoke detectors in occupancies in Group I-3 occupancies.
         3.   Automatic sprinkler systems in one- and two-family dwellings or Group R-3 occupancies.
      (18)   Section 1403 is hereby amended to include the following:
      1403.5.4 Prohibited materials. Corrugated metal exterior wall coverings are prohibited.
      1403.4.1 Exterior requirements. In compliance with the Village zoning requirements, all Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M, S, and U occupancies shall have exterior wall elevations with pre-cast concrete or masonry for seventy percent (70%) of the front wall area and fifty percent (50%) of the side wall area, excluding openings. Additionally, exclusive of window and door areas, all the exteriors of the walls of all Group R occupancies shall be masonry, unless an existing building with a Group R- 3 occupancy of no more than two dwelling units is an original frame structure. The Village of Schiller Park reserves the right to approve similar materials suitable for the climate as an alternate method of design.
      1403.7 Exterior requirements. As an option to Section 1403.4.1. glass blocks or a combination of glass blocks, pre-cast or masonry may comprise seventy percent (70%) of the front wall area and fifty percent (50%) of the side wall area, excluding openings. The Village of Schiller Park reserves the right to approve similar materials suitable for the climate as an alternate method of design.
      (19)   Delete Section 1403.13 in its entirety.
      (20)   Section 1407.1 is amended to read as follows:
      General. The provisions of this section shall govern the materials, construction and quality of exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS) for use as exterior wall coverings in addition to other applicable requirements of Chapters 7, 14, 16, 17 and 26. The use of exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS) are limited to those applications using an approved cement board or brick overlay.
      (21)   Section 1507.1.2 is amended hereby to read as follows:
      1507.1.2 Ice barriers. Ice barriers shall be installed for asphalt shingles, metal roof shingles, mineral surfaced roll roofing, slate and slate-type shingles, wood shingles, and wood shakes. The ice barrier shall consist of not less than two layers of underlayment cemented together, or a self-adhering polymer modified bitumen sheet shall be used in place of normal underlayment and extend from the lowest edges of all roof surfaces to a point not less than 66 inches inside the exterior wall line of the building.
      (22)   Section 1612.3 is amended hereby to read as follows:
      1612.3 Establishment of flood hazard areas. To establish flood hazard areas, the applicable governing authority shall adopt a flood hazard map and supporting data. The flood hazard map shall include, at a minimum, areas of special flood hazard as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in an engineering report entitled "The Flood Insurance Study for the Village of Schiller Park" as amended or revised with the accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and Flood Boundary and Floodway Map (FBFM) and related supporting data along with any revisions thereto. The adopted flood hazard map and supporting data are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be part of this section.
      (23)   Section 1801.2 is hereby added to read as follows:
      1801.2. Wood or Timber Footings and Foundations. The use of wood or timber footings and foundations are not permitted.
      (24)   Section 1807.1.4 Permanent wood foundation systems is hereby deleted in its entirety.
      (25)   Section 1807.3.1 Limitations is hereby amended to remove the use of wood or timber poles, which are prohibited in the Village of Schiller Park.
      (26)   Section 1809.12 Timber footings is hereby deleted in its entirety.
      (27)   Sections 1810.3.2.4 Timber and 1810. Preservation treatment are hereby deleted in its entirety.
      (28)   Section 1805, entitled "Footings and Foundations", is amended hereby to delete all reference to wood footings and foundations. The use of wood footings and foundations is not permitted.
      (29)   Chapter 29, entitled "Plumbing Systems", is deleted in its entirety.
      (30)   Chapter 35, entitled "Referenced Standards" is amended to delete all reference to the "International Plumbing Code" and to insert in place thereof the "Illinois Plumbing Code".
      (31)   Chapter 35, entitled "Referenced Standards" is further amended to delete all reference to the "International Zoning Code" and the "International Electrical Code".
      (32)   Appendix A is hereby adopted in its entirety.
      (33)   Appendix Sections H105 and H106 are adopted in their entirety. All other sections with Appendix H are deleted and not adopted.
      (34)   Appendices C, D, E, F, G, I, J, K, L, M, N, and O are deleted in their entireties.
(Ord. 92-1817, passed 12-17-92; Am. Ord. 96-2031, passed 11-12- 96; Am. Ord. 97-2093, passed 12- 9-97; Am. Ord. 00-2238, passed 5- 23-00; Am. Ord. 02-2355, passed 8-13-02; Am. Ord. 03-2399, passed 3-11-03; Am. Ord. 05-2527, passed 7-26-05; Am. Ord. 06-2561, passed 2-14-06; Am. Ord. 07-2643, passed 7-24-07; Am. Ord. 08-2688, passed 9-23-08; Am. Ord. 09-2741, passed 11-24-09; Am. Ord. 11-2818, passed 3-22-11; Am. Ord. 16-3052, passed 5-5-16; Am. Ord. 23-4387, passed 12-21-23; Am. Ord. 24- 4396, passed 3-7-24)