§ 155.1902 CONDITIONS.
    Uses allowed in the I-1 Industrial District are subject to the following conditions:
   (A)   Dwelling units and lodging rooms are not permitted.
   (B)   Except for outdoor patio seating at restaurants, off-street parking and off-street loading that is accessory to a zoning lot’s principal use, all business, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings, and all goods sold shall be new as opposed to used or second hand, except as otherwise indicated in this Section.
   (C)   All storage including but not limited to motor vehicles and junk vehicles, shall be within completely enclosed buildings or completely concealed by a solid wall or solid fence (including solid entrance and exit gates) not less than six feet nor more than eight feet in height. Chain link fencing is prohibited.
   (D)   Screening of objectionable views. 
      (1)   Reasonable visual privacy shall be provided for exposed storage areas, machinery installations, and trash or garbage containers as to prevent their being incongruous with the existing environment and neighboring public or private property. Complete concealment using methods including but not limited to, fencing, barriers and/or landscaping installed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter will be required for the protection and the privacy of the enclosure’s contents as well as the aesthetic enhancement of property.
      (2)   Lighting installed upon a building, structure, sign, or within any other fixture shall be shielded so as to prohibit light trespass upon a neighboring property or the public thoroughfare. It shall be unlawful to maintain light levels greater than one foot-candle at any time of day as measured at the curb line.
(Ord. 05-2539, passed 10-11-05; Am. Ord. 18- 4056, passed 4-19-18; Am. Ord. 18-4089, passed 9-6-18; Am. Ord. 19-4132, passed 3-21-19; Am. Ord. 19-4134, passed 4-4-19; Am. Ord. 19-4191, passed 12-5-19; Am. Ord. 21-4251, passed 1-21-21)