Definitions and Scope
   154.001   Rules and definitions
   154.002   Scope of provisions
   154.003   Exemptions from provisions
Nonconforming Signs
   154.010   Continuance of nonconformity
   154.011   Removal of nonconformity
   154.012   Action signs
   154.013   Alterations, relocation, and replacement
Sign Permits
   154.020   Permit required
   154.021   Application for permits
   154.022   Fees and inspections
   154.023   Expiration of permit
   154.024   Revocation of permit
   154.025   Bond
Permitted Signs
   154.040   Permitted signs
   154.041   Residential districts
   154.042   Commercial districts
   154.043   Industrial districts
General Provisions Affecting All Signs
   154.060   Dangerous or unlawful signs
   154.061   Required information on signs
   154.062   Maintenance
   154.063   Safety precautions
Regulation Concerning the Erection of Permitted Signs by Type
   154.090   Illuminated signs
   154.091   Marquee, canopy, and awning signage
   154.092   Freestanding signs
   154.093   Projecting signs
   154.094   Signs located under building overhang
   154.095   Wall signs
   154.096   Temporary signs
   154.097   Window signs
   154.098   Variations and special exceptions
   154.099   A-frame signs
Prohibited Signs and Conditions
   154.125   Prohibited signs
   154.126   Amortization of non- conforming signs