This Zoning Ordinance is adopted for the purpose of improving and protecting the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare of the property. The fulfillment of this purpose is to be accomplished by seeking the following objectives:
   (A)   To zone all properties with a view to conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the Village.
   (B)   To protect residential, business, commercial and industrial areas alike from harmful encroachment by incompatible uses and to ensure that land which is allocated to a class of uses shall not be usurped by other inappropriate uses.
   (C)   To avoid the inappropriate development of lands and provide for adequate drainage, curbing of erosion and reduction of flood damage.
   (D)   To fix standards to which buildings and structures shall conform.
   (E)   To prevent such additions to, and alterations or remodeling of, existing buildings or structures as would not comply with the restrictions and limitations imposed herein.
   (F)   To foster a more rational pattern of relationship between residential, commercial and manufacturing uses for the mutual benefit of all.
   (G)   To lessen congestion on the public streets.
   (H)   To control concentration of populations, thereby ensuring proper living and working conditions and preventing the development of blight and slums.
   (I)   To establish adequate standards for the provision of light, air and open spaces.
   (J)   To provide for adequate transportation facilities and for other public requirements and services such as water, sewerage, schools and parks.
   (K)   To isolate or control the location or unavoidable nuisance-producing uses.
   (L)   To define the powers and duties of the administrative and enforcement officers and bodies.
   (M)   To prescribe penalties for any violation of the provisions of this Chapter, or of any amendment thereto.
(Ord. 05-2539, passed 10-11-05)