(A)   Each member of the Police Department shall appear as a witness whenever this is necessary in the prosecution for a violation of an ordinance or of any state or federal law. No member shall retain any witness fee for the service as witness in any action or suit to which the Village is a party. Any fees for such service shall be forwarded to the Chief of Police who shall deposit them with the Village Treasurer.
   (B)   Each member of the Police Department shall appear for and honor civil subpoenas for oral depositions in any civil action where testimony of the member is sought. For those oral depositions in cases where the Village is not a party, the depositions of members of the Police Department shall be conducted at the Village Hall during the deponent's regularly scheduled shift, unless an order of court provides otherwise. The member shall forward any fees for such service to the Chief of Police who shall deposit them with the Village Treasurer.
   (C)   Upon receipt of a subpoena, the member shall immediately forward a copy of the subpoena to the Chief of Police who shall forward a copy to the Corporation Counsel's office. The Chief of Police or the Corporation Counsel shall promptly notify the party who caused the issuance of the subpoena about the existence of this ordinance.
('73 Code, § 27-28) (Ord. 79-1362, passed 7-27-79; Am. Ord. 03-2445, passed 12-9-03; Am. Ord. 07-2621, passed 1-23-07; Am. Ord. 07-2650, passed 11-13-07; Am. Ord. 11-2816, passed 1-25-11)