(A) Plans and Specifications to be Approved. All plans and specifications for the Bonded Improvements required by this Chapter shall be approved by the Village, if at all, before construction of such improvements commences.
(B) All Construction to be Approved. It shall be unlawful to install and/or construct any bonded improvement in a manner inconsistent with applicable regulations of the Municipal Code, including but not limited to the following:
(1) Sidewalks. Public sidewalks (other than carriage walks adjacent to curbs of streets) shall be of a minimum five foot (5') width and otherwise meet the specifications of the Village Engineer contained in the engineering plans approved by the Village Engineer.
(2) Pavements. No street shall be paved unless provisions are made for the concurrent installation of other street appurtenances contained in the engineering plans approved by the Village Engineer, including storm sewers herein required.
(3) Fire Hydrants. Provided public potable water is available within one thousand feet (1,000') of the subdivision and, in the event no existing fire hydrant is located within three hundred feet (300') (measured along the extended ingress to and egress from a lot-in-depth and thence along the center line of the previously existing street upon which said lot-in-depth has frontage) of the buildable area of any proposed lot-in-depth, fire hydrants shall be installed at such locations(s) as are designated by the Village Engineer, one of which hydrants shall be located within the said three hundred foot (300') distance. All such fire hydrants shall be connected by a minimum six inch diameter water main constructed from an existing main having not less than a six inch diameter.
(4) Storm Water Facilities.
(a) A storm sewer system shall be constructed throughout the entire subdivision which shall provide an efficient outlet for storm water after collection thereof. Storm sewers shall be installed and constructed on both sides of a street or on one side of the street and no street shall be paved unless provision is made for the concurrent installation of other street appurtenances contained in the engineering plans approved by the Village Engineer, including construction of storm sewers for the full length of the street pavement. Only storm sewers located within the public right-of-way or within an easement in favor of the Village shall be public storm sewers.
(b) Private Storm Sewers. In the event the Village Engineer shall determine that storm drainage to a public storm sewer is required for a lot-in-depth or privately maintained street because of the topography of the land in and around the parcel being subdivided, private storm sewers shall be installed within the subdivision pursuant to plans approved by the Village Engineer.
(c) Private maintenance of storm water detention areas. Storm water detention areas (including basins and below ground detention structures) required to comply with the Village's Flood Protection Ordinance will be sited in common area specifically set aside for such use. The responsibility for operation and maintenance of the detention area and special stormwater drainage facilities shall be that of an owners' association or other private entity pursuant to a declaration of covenants required as part of the subdivision approval and included in the subdivider's agreement.
(5) Street Signs. Metallic street name signs shall be erected on metallic posts at each intersection. The type of sign, its location and its erection shall be determined by the Village Engineer, who shall be guided by the provisions of the current edition of the “State Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices”, to the extent applicable.
(6) Street Lights and Public Utilities.
(a) Street Lights. Standard street lights shall be installed, however, the subdivider may request use of an ornamental/decorative street light other than the standard street lights approved for installation by Commonwealth Edison. Such ornamental/decorative street lighting system shall be submitted for the approval of the Village Engineer. The maintenance, repair, and replacement of such ornamental/decorative street lighting system shall be that of an owners' association or other private entity pursuant to a declaration of covenants required as part of the subdivision approval. Electrical energy for such lights shall be located underground and charges for electricity for such lights placed in the public right-of-way shall be the responsibility of the Village.
(b) All other utility distribution lines, for telephone and gas and electric services, to be installed, as well as cable television cable, shall be placed underground within easements or dedicated public rights-of-way.
(C) Inspection at Subdivider's Expense. During the course of construction, all improvements proposed to be made under provisions of this Chapter shall be inspected by the Village Engineer or his duly designated agent. All fees and costs established by the President and Board of Trustees by Resolution adopted from time to time hereafter in connection with such inspection shall be reimbursed to the Village by the subdivider.
(D) Maintenance and Service of Private Roads, Sewers, Common Areas, and/or Detention/retention Ponds. Private roads and easements shall be serviced and maintained by the owners thereof; no officer, agent or employee of the Village shall at any time service or maintain or offer or agree to service or maintain any private road or easement or any part thereof. When a subdivision includes a private road, common area, sewer, and/or a detention/retention pond, a covenant shall be recorded requiring the establishment of an owners' association to provide for the maintenance of such private road, common area, sewer, and/or detention/retention pond.
(Ord. 022348, passed 7-9-02)