The Plat of Subdivision shall adhere to the follow-ing:
   (A)   Scale. Each Minor Subdivision plat shall be drawn to a scale no smaller than one inch equals 50 feet.
   (B)   Property Boundaries and Features. The plat shall show the north point and boundaries of the property to be subdivided and (if any) the adjacent section, half section and quarter section lines, existing streets, water courses, and One Hundred Year Flood Plain, as well as other existing features pertinent to proper subdivision.
   (C)   Municipal Boundaries. All corporate boun- dary lines within or adjacent to the proposed subdivision shall be so designated.
   (D)   Lots, Blocks, and Existing Building Lines. All lot lines shall be shown, with lots and blocks numbered or lettered. Dimensions of lots and blocks, and existing building setback lines, shall be shown.
   (E)   Dimensions. All necessary dimensions, both linear and angular, shall be shown. Linear dimensions shall be shown in feet and decimals of a foot, and all deflection angles, radii, arcs and central angles of all corners on property lines adjacent to each street shall be shown in degrees, minutes and seconds.
   (F)   Date and Names. The date, name of the proposed subdivision and the name and addresses of the owner subdivider, engineer and land surveyor pre-paring the plat shall be shown.
   (G)   Existing Utilities, Easements, and Dedications. The plat shall indicate location of exist- ing dedications of all easements, whether for cable television or utilities, including but not limited to water mains, telephone and electric and natural gas lines, sanitary sewer trunk lines, and storm sewer mains, if any. All easements shall be indicated on the plat and copies of all proposed and existing easement agreements affecting any lot or involving adjacent land shall accompany the same.
   (H)   Date. The date of preparation and a proper north sign shall be shown.
   (I)   Legal Description. A legal description of the property shall be given which includes reference the section, township and range. Government section lines and corners, half-section lines, the location and dimension of all streets (with their proposed names), alleys and all other lands to be dedicated to public uses; and the lines and dimension of abutting roads and streets (with their proposed names) and alleys shall be shown. State plane coordinates shall be indicated for all lot corners when the subdivision is of two or more acres.
   (J)   Monuments. The description and location of all survey monuments erected in the subdivision shall be shown. Permanent monuments shall be erected at all lot corners, at all street corners, and at all points where street lines intersect the exterior boundaries of the subdivision and angle points and curve points in each street. Such monuments shall be either non-corrosive iron pipe or rod, 3/4 inch in diameter and 30 inches long, or stone or concrete not less than four inches in diameter and 24 inches long.
   (K)   Building Set Back Lines. Front yard set back lines may be inserted where they are equal to or exceed the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance provided that such platted set back lines shall not control when in conflict with a greater set back line established by any amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. In the case of a lot-in-depth, front yard, side yard, and rear yard setbacks shall be shown in conformance with the requirements of this Chapter.
   (L)   Certificates. All certificates, seals and notarized signatures as required by law shall be shown.
(Ord. 02-2348, passed 7-9-02)