§ 150.176 CONDITIONS.
   (A)   General requirements. The following requirements shall apply to all antennas, including satellite dish antennas that are less than one meter in diameter, which are located, constructed or installed in the Village.
      (1)   All antennas and satellite dishes, and the bases on which they are mounted, shall be black, gray, white, silver, tan, beige or other light brown shades of color, or another color which matches or blends with the predominant color of the roof surface if roof mounted, or the color of the surroundings if ground mounted.
      (2)   All antennas and satellite dishes, and the bases on which they are mounted, shall be constructed to withstand a minimum wind velocity of 80 miles per hour (impact pressure of 32 pounds per square foot).
      (3)   No antennas or satellite dishes shall extend above, across, over or under any public street, public sidewalk, or other public rights-of-way or property, and shall have no wires, or metal rods extending therefrom above, across, over or under any public street, public sidewalk, or other public rights- of-way or property.
      (4)   All wires, rods and other connectors between an antenna or satellite dish and the building receiving services from such antenna, shall be located underground if ground-mounted, or securely attached to or located within the building receiving services, if roof- or wall-mounted.
      (5)   All ground-mounted satellite dishes or antennas exceeding one meter in diameter in residential districts or two meters in size in nonresidential districts, shall include screening treatments, not less than the height of the satellite. Screening treatments should completely enclose the satellite and consist of nondeciduous landscape materials or fencing having an opacity of at least 75%.
      (6)   All antennas or satellite dishes shall comply with all applicable FCC and FAA requirements. No lights, signs or other advertising, shall be permitted on any antenna or supporting structure unless required by the FCC or the FAA.
      (7)   The maximum diameter of any antenna or satellite dish shall not exceed nine feet.
   (B)   Location requirements. Antennas and satellite dish antennas shall be located on a lot in accordance with the following preferred requirements.
      (1)   First preference is for ground-mounted antennas. To the extent practicable, ground mounted satellite dishes shall be located only in the rear yard of any lot. If signals cannot be clearly received from the rear yard, the antenna or dish may be located in the interior side yard.
      (2)   Second preference is for wall or roof-mounted antennas. To the extent practicable, wall or roof-mounted antennas shall be mounted to that portion of the roof or wall on the principal structure that faces the rear yard. If signals cannot be clearly received from the rear building facade or roof facing the rear yard, the antenna or dish may be located on an interior side wall or portion of the roof of the principal structure facing an interior yard; provided that such antennas shall be installed so that they are not visible between ground level and ten feet above ground level from any street adjoining the front of the lot on which they are located.
      (3)   If a signal cannot reasonably be received if an antenna is installed in accordance with this section, a variation may be granted if the owner or permit applicant provides information sufficient to show that such signals cannot be reasonably received. The information provided shall be evaluated and an appropriate alternative location shall be determined and a permit granted to allow for reasonable reception.
('73 Code, § 7-143) (Ord. 85-1599, passed 11-21-85; Am. Ord. 86-1608, passed 2-6-86; Am. Ord. 95-1929, passed 5-23-95; Am. Ord. 09-2740, passed 11-10-09)