(A) It is unlawful for any person to sell, deliver, offer for sale, distribute, publish, print, exhibit, or possess with intent to distribute, with knowledge of the nature or content thereof, or recklessly failing to exercise reasonable inspection which would disclose the nature or content thereof, any obscene writing, picture, moving picture, record, or other representation or embodiment of the obscene, or to present or to direct an obscene performance, or to perform an obscene act, or otherwise present an obscene exhibition or to otherwise advertise or promote obscene material.
(B) It is an affirmative defense in any prosecution under this section that allegedly obscene material was disseminated or presented for a bona fide scientific, medical, educational, governmental, or judicial purpose or that such dissemination or presen-tation was not for gain and was made to personal associates other than children under 18 years of age.
(Ord. 94-1868, passed 2-8-1994) Penalty, see § 130.99