(A)   The President and Board of Trustees may from time to time create on public property, and, with the permission from the owner, on private property taxicab stands where the taxicabs licensed by the Village may wait for passengers. Each cab stand shall be appropriately marked by signs erected under the supervision of the Administrator.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle other than a licensed taxicab in any taxicab stand.
   (C)   Rules of conduct at taxicab stands shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
      (1)   Taxicab entering a taxicab stand or line shall take the rear position. Overcrowding cab stands or line is prohibited.
      (2)   No other taxicab may bypass a taxicab line at a taxicab stand and accept passengers.
      (3)   The first taxicab in line shall be eligible for the first available fare, unless a passenger indicates a preference for another taxicab in that line.
      (4)   No taxicab shall accept a load along side of, in front of, or adjacent to an established occupied taxicab stand.
      (5)   Livery vehicles shall not park in taxicab stands.
      (6)   Public passenger vehicle drivers shall not sleep or lounge while parked in a taxicab stand.
      (7)   There shall not be more than two occupants in any vehicle parked at a taxicab stand.
(Ord. 98-2131, passed 8-25-98) Penalty, see § 123.99