(A)   The Public Passenger Vehicle Review Board ("Review Board") shall consist of the Licensing Committee of the Village Board of Trustees, the Administrator, the Village Clerk and the Chief of Police. The Village Clerk shall have no voting rights on the Review Board. The Review Board shall carry out the annual review of license renewal applications and chauffeurs' ID card renewal applications as provided in this chapter. Upon review of renewal applications, the Review Board shall file a recommendation of "renew" or "do not renew" with the Village Clerk.
   (B)   In making its determination, the Review Board may consider the frequency and severity of violations of this chapter, the number and nature of complaints from the public about the applicant, police and court records and any other materials which tend to indicate whether an applicant meets the standards set forth throughout this chapter.
   (C)   In making its determination, the Review Board may hear testimony from any witness, subpoena documents and allow the applicant the opportunity to be heard. The Review Board may adopt procedures for the carrying out of its review of applications, provided that said procedures shall not conflict with this chapter.
(Ord. 98-2131, passed 8-25-98) Penalty, see § 123.99