(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any public passenger vehicle in the Village without having first obtained a valid Illinois driver's license which is appropriate to the class and weight of the vehicle which the applicant intends to operate.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any public passenger vehicle in the Village without having obtained a chauffeur's ID card.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any person owning or controlling any public passenger vehicle to employ or permit any person to operate each vehicle for hire within the Village unless the driver has a valid chauffeur's ID card.
   (D)   Any person desiring to obtain a chauffeur's ID card shall apply for same on an application provided by the Village Clerk.
   (E)   Applicants must meet the following qualification:
      (1)   Be no less than 21 years of age;
      (2)   Must not be afflicted with any infirmity of body or mind which may render him or her unfit for safe operation of a public passenger vehicle;
      (3)   Be a legal resident of the United States satisfying all laws for working in the United States;
      (4)   Must not have been convicted of a Class A misdemeanor or felony within the last five years, or show a previous background that indicates a tendency to act in a manner that may place the public at risk;
      (5)   Must not have had his or her license suspended or revoked in any state within the last three years for any violation of law concerning the operation of a motor vehicle;
      (6)   Must be able to read, write and speak the English language at a level of expertise sufficient to effectively function as a public passenger vehicle operator; and
      (7)   Be clean in dress and not an habitual user of intoxicating beverages or narcotics.
   (F)   Following receipt of an annual application for a Schiller Park chauffeur's ID card and payment of the processing fee therefor, the Schiller Park Police Department, in conjunction with the Illinois Department of Police, shall conduct a criminal background investigation of the applicant. However, if the applicant presents proof to the Police Department that, within the twelve month period prior thereto, the applicant has been the subject of a criminal background investigation performed by another police department and signs an authorization for release of background information, another criminal background investigation is unnecessary, unless the Police Department determines otherwise.
   (G)   The chauffeur's ID card shall be prominently displayed in the vehicle at all times the cardholder is operating the vehicle.
   (H)   A chauffeur's ID card is valid only for the license year in which it is issued and is not transferable.
   (I)   Any person issued a chauffeur's ID card must inform the Administrator within ten days of any change of address or telephone number.
   (J)   Any public passenger vehicle found being operated by a driver who has not obtained a chauffeur's ID card from the Village shall be immediately removed from service.
   (K)   Renewal. Upon receipt of an application for renewal, a recommendation for renewal from the Review Board or an order authorizing renewal from the Village President, and compliance with the above conditions, including the criminal background check, the Village Clerk shall renew the chauffeur's ID card.
(Ord. 98-2131, passed 8-25-98; Am. Ord. 98-2140, passed 11-10-98 ; Am. Ord. 05-2504, passed 2-8-05 ) Penalty, see § 123.99