   31.01   Workers’ compensation insurance
   31.02   Opting out of state requirements concerning temporary family health care dwellings
   31.03   Council members and Mayor salaries
   31.04   Fee schedule
   As permitted by state statutes, all members of the City Board, the City Clerk, and the City Treasurer shall be considered as employees of the city for purposes of the state Workers’ Compensation Law, being M.S. §§ 79.01 et. seq., and all such persons shall henceforth be included as covered employees under the city’s workers’ compensation insurance.
(Ord. 26, passed 1-17-1989)
   Pursuant to authority granted by M.S. § 462.3593, subd. 9, as it may be amended from time to time, the city opts-out of the requirements of M.S. § 462.3593, as it may be amended from time to time, which defines and regulates temporary family health care dwellings.
(Ord. 176, passed 8-16-2016)
   Following the municipal regular election in 2016, and following each subsequent municipal regular election, the salary of the Mayor and Council members shall be adjusted following the municipal election to become effective January 1 in a percentage equal to the change in the United States Department of Labor Consumer Price Index (November report) for all urban consumers U.S. city average since the last salary adjustment.
(Ord. 156, passed 9-16-2014)
   The City Council further finds and determines that the rules, regulations, terms, conditions, provisions, and requirements of this section are reasonable and necessary to protect the public health, safety, and quality of life in the city.
Escrow and Other
Escrow and Other
Administration and Finance
Assessment search
$20 each
Faxes (send or receive)
$0.25 per page, plus long distance charges
Non-sufficient fund check fee
$25 each
$0.25 each page
Audio disk - meetings
$10 each
Special meetings scheduled based on individual request
Documents - public information data request
The city charges for copies of government data. These charges are authorized under M.S. § 13.03, subd. 3. You must pay for the copies before we will give them to you.
The actual cost of making paper or electronic copies includes employee time, the cost of the materials onto which we are copying the data (paper, CD, DVD, etc.), and mailing costs (if any). If your request is for copies of data that we cannot reproduce ourselves, such as photographs, we will charge you the actual cost we must pay an outside vendor for the copies. Services performed by city personnel will be billed at one and one-half times the actual payroll hourly rate.
Administration Licenses and Permits
Dangerous dog registration
$300 annual
Dog redemption fee
$100 each
Event center license fee
$25 annual
$100 annual
Gambling licenses
$15 per application
Special event permit
Liquor license
   3.2% malt liquor on-sale, annual
   3.2% malt liquor off-sale, annual
   Temporary 3.2% malt liquor
   Off-sale intoxicating liquor, annual
   On-sale intoxicating liquor, annual
   Annual intoxicating liquor on-sale, club license, maximum, or as provided by M.S. Ch. 340A, as it may be amended from time to time
   Sunday on-sale intoxicating liquor, annual
   Combination on-sale/off-sale intoxicating liquor, annual
   Temporary on-sale intoxicating liquor
   On-sale wine, annual
   One-day consumption and display permit, non-profit
   Consumption and display permit, regular
   Investigation fee
$ -
   If conducted within the state
   If conducted outside the state, the actual costs will be charged not to exceed
$272 per application
$196 per application
Building Construction Permit Fees and Licenses
Building permit fee
Permit fees to be based on job cost valuation or a fixed fee as stated in the following. The determination of value or valuation shall be made by the Building Official.
Total valuation
$1 to $4,000
$4,000.01 to $25,000
$99.50 for the first $4,000
$14.75 each additional $1,000
$25,000.01 to $50,000
$415 for the first $25,000
$10.75 each additional $1,000
$50,000.01 to $100,000
$680 for the first $50,000
$7.50 each additional $1,000
$100,000.01 to $500,000
$1,050 for the first $100,000
$6 each additional $1,000
$500,00.01 to $1,000,000
$3,425 for the first $500,000
$5 each additional $1,000
$1,000,000.01 and up
$5,900 for the first $1,000,000
$4 each additional $1,000
Air conditioning, (central)
Air-to-air heat exchanger
City inspection fee
$60 per hour
Building permit refund charge - within one year with no work performed and no inspections made
20% of permit fee only
Building moving
per state schedule
Fireplace (zero-clearance)
Gas piping
$35 plus one hour minimum inspection fee
Plumbing (per fixture)
$8 plus one hour minimum inspection fee
Plan review fee - identical plans
25% of building permit fee
Plan review fee - non-identical plans
65% of building permit fee
Returned building permits - permit applications returned without issuance
50% of plan review fee
Surcharge fee
Surcharge fees shall be collected on all permits issued
Technology fee
Investigation fee - Whenever any work for which a city permit is required has commenced without first obtaining a permit, a special investigation shall be made before a permit will be issued. An investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, shall be collected whether or not a permit is subsequently issued. The investigation fee shall be equal to the amount of the permit fee required by this schedule. The payment of the investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other provisions of this code nor from any prescribed by law.
Demolition - accessory building
Demolition - commercial or residential
Electrical Permit Fees
Inspection fee
$50 inspection/trip
0 to 400 Amp power source
$50 source
401 - 800 Amp power source
$100 source
Over 800 Amp power source
$150 source
0 to 200 Amp circuit or feeder
$12 feeder or circuit
Over 200 Amp circuit or feeder
$50 feeder or circuit
New one- or two-family dwelling does not include service (up to 25 circuits and feeders per unit)
$150 dwelling unit
New one- or two-family dwelling does not include service (additional circuits over 25 per unit)
$12 feeder or circuit
Existing one- or two-family dwelling (up to 15 feeders or circuits are installed or extended per unit)
$150 dwelling unit
Existing one- or two-family dwelling (where less than 15 feeders or circuits are installed or extended)
$12 feeder or circuit
Inspection of concrete-encased grounding electrode
$50 inspection
Technology circuits and circuits less than 50 volts
$1 device
Pools- plus circuits
Panel changes (per enclosure)
$100 enclosure
Additional inspection trip(s)
$50 inspection/trip
$1 permit
Nonresidential and Multi-Family
Inspection fee
$50 inspection/trip
0 to 400 Amp power source
$50 source
401 - 800 Amp power source
$100 source
Over 800 Amp power source
$150 source
0 to 200 Amp circuit or feeder
$12 feeder or circuit
Over 200 Amp circuit or feeder
$30 feeder or circuit
*Over 250 volts:
*0 to 400 Amp power source
$100 source
*401 - 800 Amp power source
$200 source
*Over 800 Amp power source
$300 source
*0 to 200 Amp circuit or feeder
$24 feeder or circuit
*Over 200 Amp circuit or feeder
$60 feeder or circuit
New multi-family dwelling unit (with up to 20 circuits and feeders per unit)
$100 unit
New multi-family dwelling unit (additional circuits over 20 per unit)
$12 feeder or circuit
Existing multi-family dwelling unit
$100 unit
Existing multi-family dwelling unit (up to 10 feeders or circuits are installed or extended)
$12 feeder or circuit
Transformer (light, heat, or power) rated up to 10KVA
$25 transformer
Transformer (light, heat, or power) rated in excess of 10KVA
$50 transformer
Manufactured home park (lot supply)
$50 pedestal
RV pedestals (all circuits originating in pedestal, including factory circuits)
$12 circuit
Street, parking lot, outdoor, traffic standards
$5 standard
Power supplies for signs and outline lighting
$5 power supply
Technology circuits and circuits less than 50 volts
$1 device
Retrofit of existing lighting fixtures
$0.50 fixture
Pools- plus circuits
Panel changes (per enclosure)
$100 enclosure
Additional inspection trip(s)
$50 inspection/trip
$1 permit
Parks and Community Center
Community center rental
   Community groups
      less than 150 guests
      150+ guests
      Heritage Room - 50 guests or less
Prior day set-up
Heritage room
Attendant if liquor served
Cash deposit required
   Audio-visual equipment
Park shelter reservation
   Hay Lake shelter
   Warming house
   Cleaning/damage deposit
   Security deposit for lighted ballfield reservations
$50 - $300
$50 - $300
Ice time reservations ice rink - one session per week for the season
$200 + tax
Ballfield reservation
   Lighted ballfield
$0 for Scandia Softball Association, others city may charge the estimated cost for lighting
Planning and Zoning
Escrow Deposit
   Variance application
   Variance extension
      Variance extension - administrative
      Variance extension - Council
Conditional use permit (CUP)
   Pre-application review - Planning Commission
   Conditional use permits
   CUP amendment
   CUP extension
      CUP extension - administrative
      CUP extension - Council
Interim use permit
Annual operating permit
   Annual operating permit renewal - administrative
   Annual operating permit renewal - Council
Administrative permits
   Grading/land alteration
   Grading/land alteration more than 100 c.y.
   Land clearing
   Cell tower admin permit
   Lot line adjustment/lot consolidation
   Sign (permanent)
   All other administrative permits, zoning verification letter included
Planned Unit Development
   Planned Unit Development concept plan
   PUD preliminary plan
   PUD final plan
   PUD amendment
Site Plan Review
   Pre-application site plan review
   Site plan review, minor projects
   Site plan review, major projects
   Plan modification
   Site plan extension
   Rezoning (map amendment)
   Amendment - development code text
   Amendment - comprehensive plan map
   Amendment - comprehensive plan text
Environmental Review
   EAW (environmental assessment worksheet)
   EIS (environmental impact statement)
   Concept plan
   Minor subdivision
   Preliminary plat/major subdivision
   Final plat
Park dedication fee for each new parcel
   Utility easement
Wetland review
Wetland review including no loss exemption/determination, delineation approval, replacement plan application, wetland banking application, and other
City staff and consultant billing - For applications that include excessive staff time, services performed by city personnel will be billed at one and one-half times the actual payroll hourly rate. Services provided by city consultants will be billed at the current consultant rate. All recording fees to be billed at current rates.
Investigation fee - Whenever any work for which a city permit is required has commenced without first obtaining a permit, a special investigation shall be made before a permit will be issued. An investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, shall be collected whether or not a permit is subsequently issued. The investigation fee shall be equal to the amount of the permit fee required by this schedule. The payment of the investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other provisions of this code nor from any prescribed by law.
Payment of fees and escrow deposit - No application shall be considered complete until the fees have been paid. Application fees are not refundable. In addition to the application fee, applicants shall be required to reimburse the city for all out-of-pocket costs that are incurred for processing, reviewing and hearing the application. These costs shall include, but are not limited to: parcel searches; publication and mailing of notices; review by the city's engineering, planning and other consultants; legal costs, and recording fees. A minimum escrow deposit to cover these costs shall be collected by the city at the time of application. The Zoning Administrator shall have discretion to increase the amount of the escrow for any application at any time if the city's costs are reasonably expected to exceed the minimum amount. The Zoning Administrator shall also have discretion to require an escrow deposit even where no minimum amount is specified by this section, if authorized by the Development Code. Applications for projects requiring more than one type of review (for example, a conditional use permit and a preliminary plat) shall include the cumulative total of all application fees specified for each type of review. The minimum escrow deposit shall be the cumulative total for each type of application required for the project, unless the Zoning Administrator determines that this amount would significantly exceed the city's reasonable expenses to review the applications, in which case the amount of the escrow deposit may be reduced. After review of the application has been completed and all costs have been paid, any costs exceeding the escrow balance shall be invoiced to the applicant. Any escrow balance remaining shall be refunded to the applicant. No interest shall be paid on escrow deposits. Amendments to previously approved applications shall require the payment of the same fees as for the initial permit application, except for plan modifications not requiring review by the Planning Commission and City Council or as otherwise provided by the Development Code.
Public Works Fees
   Driveway access
   Excavating/street opening
   Small cell wireless co-locate wireless support structure
   Small cell wireless co-location annual maintenance
   Small cell wireless electrical service
      Per radio node - less than or equal to 100 maximum watts
      Per radio node - greater than 100 maximum watts
      If actual cost of electricity if greater than foregoing
Actual cost
   Small cell wireless application fee - per site
   Small cell wireless annual fee - per site
Equipment - per hour charge (does not include operator)
Latest published FEMA equipment rates
Public works operator per hour
Wages and fringes per hour worked
Contracted work, materials, and supplies
Cost +10%
Administrative fee
5% of labor and equipment total
201 community sewer system
   Base charge
Energy adjustment charge
Late payment fee
   Annual interest rate on account balances 30 days past due
   Annual interest rate on delinquent accounts certified for collection with property taxes
Connection fee, per dwelling unit
Cost of repairs
   Equipment - per hour charge (does not include operator)
Latest published FEMA equipment rates
   Public works operator per hour
Wages and fringes per hour worked
   Contracted work, materials, and supplies
Cost +10%
   Administrative fee
5% of labor and equipment total
Uptown sewer system
   Base charge
Volume charge
$74.10 per 1,000 gallons
Late payment fee
   Annual interest rate on account balances 30 days past due
   Annual interest rate on delinquent accounts certified for collection with property taxes
   Connection fee, per dwelling unit
(Ord. 206, passed 12-18-2018; Ord. 213, passed 12-17-2019; Ord. 2020-05, passed 12-15-2020; Ord. passed - -2021; Ord. 2023-01, passed 1-4-2023; Ord. 2023-14, passed 12-19-2023)