(A) Readings. Every ordinance and resolution shall be presented in writing. An ordinance or resolution need not be read in full unless a member of the Council requests a reading.
(B) Signing and publication proof. Every ordinance and resolution passed by the Council shall be signed by the Mayor, attested by the Clerk, and filed by the Clerk in the resolution book. Proof of publication of every ordinance shall be attached and filed with the ordinance.
(C) Repeals and amendments. Every ordinance or resolution repealing a previous ordinance or resolution or a section or subdivision thereof shall give the number, if any, and the title of the ordinance or code number of the ordinance or resolution to be repealed in whole or in part. Each ordinance or resolution amending an existing ordinance or resolution or part thereof shall set forth in full each amended section or subdivision as it will read with the amendments.
(D) Motions, petitions, and communications. Every motion shall be stated in full before the presiding officer submits it to a vote and shall be recorded in the minutes. Every petition or other communication addressed to the Council shall be in writing and shall be read in full upon presentation to the Council unless the Council dispenses with the reading. Each petition or other communication shall be recorded in the minutes by title and filed with the minutes in the office of the Clerk.
(Ord. 91, passed 1-2-2007)
(A) Generally. The City Council performs the duties and exercises the powers of administrative boards, committees, or commissions. However, the Council may establish boards or commissions as set forth in this section to investigate subjects or to perform quasi-judicial functions. Additional administrative boards or commissions shall be established as required by law or for the administration of a municipal function jointly shared with another political subdivision.
(B) Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is established pursuant to the state’s Municipal Planning Act, being M.S. §§ 462.351 et. seq., and has the powers and duties assigned to it by that Act and by the Development Code (Ordinance 74, as amended). The Planning Commission is hereby designated the planning agency of the city pursuant to the Municipal Planning Act. The Planning Commission consists of five members appointed by the Council for staggered terms of five years, expiring on January 31 of each year. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Planning Commission are appointed by the Commission from among the members of the Commission, subject to approval by the Council, for a term of one year. The Commission shall adopt its own rules and procedures with the approval of the Council. All members of the Commission may vote on all questions before the Commission. No member of the Commission may vote on any question in which the member is directly or indirectly interested.
(C) Parks and Recreation Committee. There is established a Park and Recreation Advisory Commission for the city, to act in an advisory capacity to the Council in all matters relating to a park and recreation program in the city. The Park and Recreation Advisory Committee consists of five members appointed by the Council for staggered terms of five years, expiring on February 28 each year. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Committee are appointed by the Commission from among the members of the Commission, subject to approval by the Council, for a term of one year. The Committee shall adopt its own rules and procedures with the approval of the Council.
(D) Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Pursuant to M.S. § 462.354, as it may be amended from time to time, a Board of Adjustments and Appeals is hereby established. The City Council shall serve as the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. The Planning Commission shall conduct required hearings for the Board and make recommendations to it on all variance applications.
(E) Removal of appointees to advisory committees and commissions. A member of any advisory committee or commission appointed by the Council may be removed at any time by the Council.
(Ord. 91, passed 1-2-2007; Ord. 160, passed 3-17-2015)
(A) Creation. The creation of a volunteer fire department known as the city’s Fire and Rescue Department, which was established as the city’s Volunteer Fire Department in 1952, is hereby affirmed.
(B) Purpose. The Department shall be responsible for the prevention and suppression of fires, the protection of life and property against fire, and the rendering of emergency services. The Department shall be equipped with such apparatus and other equipment as may be required for its purposes.
(Ord. 117, passed 5-19-2009)
(A) Generally. The Department shall consist of a Fire Chief, two Assistant Chiefs, and a number of firefighters as shall be determined from time to time by the City Council. All firefighters shall be hired by the City Council as part-time, on-call employees of the city, and shall be subject to requirements established from time to time by the City Council pertaining to the qualifications, physical condition, training, duties, and other matters as may be required for the lawful and safe operation of the Fire Department.
(B) Duties of the Chief. The Chief shall report to and be accountable to the City Council. The Chief shall be responsible for and have control at all times over the care and condition of all the firefighting apparatus, equipment, firefighters, and quarters used by the Fire Department. The Chief shall be responsible for the training and supervision of the members of the Department, subject to policies and procedures established by the City Council. The Chief shall make recommendations to the Council concerning the needs of the Department, and maintain records concerning all activities of the Department. The Chief shall assist the proper authorities in suppressing the crime of arson by investigation or causing to be investigated the cause, origin, and circumstances of all fires.
(C) Selection of officers.
(1) The Chief shall be appointed by the City Council for a term of four years ending on December 31, 2012 and every fourth year thereafter. The City Council may solicit the recommendation(s) of the members of the Fire Department prior to appointment of the Chief.
(2) The Assistant Chiefs shall be appointed by the City Council for a term of two years ending on March 1, 2011 and every second year thereafter. The City Council shall solicit the recommendation(s) of the Chief prior to the appointment of the Assistant Chiefs.
(3) The Chief may appoint other officers within the Department for terms not to exceed two years as may be deemed necessary for the management of the Fire Department, subject to approval by the City Council.
(D) Rules and policies. The City Council shall have the power and authority to approve rules for the government of the Fire Department, define the duties of its officers, and provide for the discipline and/or discharge of all personnel.
(Ord. 117, passed 5-19-2009)