   114.01   Business licenses required
   114.02   Purpose
   114.03   Definitions
   114.04   License required
   114.05   Term of license
   114.06   Criteria for rejection
   114.07   Liability insurance
   114.08   Suspension and revocation
   114.09   Display
   114.10   Transfers
   114.11   Conditions
   Business licenses shall be required for the following businesses: event facility.
(Ord. 2020-04, passed 10-20-2020)
§ 114.02 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the event facility business license is to promote the general welfare of the city and the long-term prosperity of its businesses, to prevent nuisances, to prevent noise and other disorder, to protect existing neighborhoods, and to limit the density of such uses in the community. The city has determined that activities of businesses that are required to obtain business licenses have the potential to adversely impact the health, safety and welfare of the residents.
(Ord. 2020-04, passed 10-20-2020)
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   EVENT FACILITY. Any facility operated by or as a for-profit business or nonprofit organization that hosts private outdoor or indoor gatherings of people that do not exceed 12 hours in duration. The gatherings of people may include, but are not limited to, events such as weddings or other ceremonies, dances, festivals, picnics or any other gathering of a similar nature that the city determines to be consistent with and supportive of the rural and historic character of the community. Private outdoor or indoor gatherings are gatherings that are not open to the general public or ticketed and are not subject to the city's Special Event Permit Ordinance (Ordinance No. 119).
(Ord. 2020-04, passed 10-20-2020)