92.01 Definition
92.02 Park hours
92.03 Removing, defacing, or destroying property prohibited
92.04 Erection of structures
92.05 Littering and dumping
92.06 Motorized vehicles
92.07 Non-motorized vehicles
92.08 Open fires prohibited
92.09 Sale of articles
92.10 Posting signs and placards
92.11 Animals
92.12 Climbing of trees and on buildings
92.13 Other prohibited acts
92.14 Variances
92.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
PARKS. A park, playground, athletic field, trail, nature area, open space area, or recreational facility, including adjacent parking areas, owned or operated by the city for the purpose of recreation or open space use. For the purpose of this chapter, PARK does not include the Goose Lake and Log House Landing (St Croix) boat launch sites, and undeveloped Bone Lake Park.
(Ord. 133, passed 11-20-2012)
(A) No person, except authorized city personnel, shall enter or be in or remain in any park beginning one-half hour after sunset and ending at 4:00 a.m. except with a permit issued by the City Clerk.
(B) These hours of operation do not apply to the Wojtowicz Skating Park and any lighted ball fields.
(Ord. 133, passed 11-20-2012) Penalty, see § 92.99
No person shall remove, deface, destroy, diminish, or impair the value of public property located on or within any park, including buildings, structures, trees, shrubs, grass, vegetation, signs, tables, benches, fireplaces, trash receptacles, notices or placards, boundary markers or fences, or any other public property, either real or personal.
(Ord. 133, passed 11-20-2012) Penalty, see § 92.99