There shall be and there is hereby established a minimum charge and a basic user rate for the use of and for service supplied by the water facilities of the city. In February of each year the Water, Sewer, Refuse, Street and Alley Committee as well as Finance Committee, shall review user rates and after taking into account inflation, costs incurred the previous year in providing the service and anticipated capital improvements needed to maintain the combined waterworks and sewer works system will make recommendations to the Council on increases in rates.
Schedule 1: Residential Use Accounts:
Rate: $2.86 per 1,000 gallons
Minimum quarterly charge: $28.60
Schedule 2: Industrial Use Accounts:
Rate: $2.86 per 1,000 gallons
Minimum monthly charge: $114.40
Schedule 3: Commercial Use Accounts:
Rate: $2.86 per 1,000 gallons
Minimum quarterly charge: $57.20
Schedule 4: Nonresident Users:
Nonresident users shall pay double the rates for water consumed by residential users within the city limits as set forth above.
Schedule 5: Water System Improvement Fund:
A service charge of thirteen dollars ($13.00) per month per service account, payable on monthly or quarterly billing periods, is hereby established to each user of the water facilities to be applied to the Water System Improvement Fund to be used for maintenance and improvements to the City waterworks system, this rate increase is effective May 1, 2023.
Schedule 6: Public Fire Protection: (Rep. by Ord. 1765, 4-27-2004)
Schedule 7: Miscellaneous Charges And Fees:
(A) Service Fees: Applicant shall pay a thirty dollar ($30.00) fee when service is applied for.
(B) Meter Repair Fee: Applicant shall pay for the actual cost of equipment, material, labor and compensations and a twenty percent (20%) overhead on cost of material and equipment for other than ordinary repairs outlined in subsection 8-4-17(D) of this chapter.
(C) Meter Testing Fee: The fee for testing a water meter will be calculated by the Water Department and presented to the applicant for their approval before the meter will be removed for testing. The fee shall include charges for labor, shipping cost, and testing. By signing the meter testing request form, the applicant is agreeing to pay all fees in accordance with subsection 8-4-17(F) of this chapter.
(D) Temporary Metering Fee: Applicant shall pay a ten dollar ($10.00) connection fee (nonreturnable) and a forty dollar ($40.00) deposit for temporary metering and water usage. Water usage shall be based on the rate established in schedule 2 of this section for a two inch (2") to four inch (4") meter. The deposit fee established shall be applied to the cost of the water usage.
(E) Name Change Only: Applicant shall pay a twenty dollar ($20.00) service fee whenever the name is changed from one applicant to another.
(F) Frostproof Meter Box: Owner shall pay the actual cost of equipment, material, labor and compensations and a twenty percent (20%) overhead on cost of material and equipment for frostproof meter box construction in accordance with subsection 8-4-17(B) of this chapter.
(G) Temporary Shutoff Fee: Service fees shall be thirty dollars ($30.00) for a temporary shutoff and shall be paid when applied for.
(H) Water Line Location Fee: Applicant shall pay a fifteen dollar ($15.00) per hour fee for services in connection with the location of a water service line from the curb stop valve to the premises.
Schedule 8: Service Fees, After Regular Working Hours:
Service work performed after the regular working hours of the service personnel shall be billed at two (2) times the regular rate for service work, as established herein.
Schedule 9: Service Connection To The Water Main:
The property owner shall pay the actual cost of equipment, material, labor and compensations and a twenty percent (20%) overhead on equipment and materials for the connection to the water main, as outlined in subsection 8-4-15(A) of this chapter. The property owner shall be given thirty (30) days to pay or sign an agreement for time payments with the water department. Failure to make payment will result in discontinuing the service without further notice, until the charges are paid in full. A service fee in the amount of twenty five dollars ($25.00) shall be required thereafter to restore the service.
Schedule 10: Replacing Or Repairing Water Service:
(A) Charges for replacing or repairing water services from the water main to the curb stop valve shall be at the expense of the water department.
(B) The property owner shall pay the actual costs of equipment, materials, labor and compensations and a twenty percent (20%) overhead on equipment and materials for replacing or repairing the water service from the curb stop valve to the premises, whenever the water department performs the work. All costs relating to maintaining the water service from the curb stop valve to the premises shall be at the expense of the property owner.
Schedule 11: Water Main Extensions:
Water main extensions shall be in accordance with section 8-4-16 of this chapter.
Schedule 12: Water Loss Rates:
Owner shall pay rates as set forth hereinabove for one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the applicant’s average usage (based on the last 3 billing cycles if available) and shall be charged at a rate equal to 50% of the current rate established by Schedule 1 for each one thousand (1,000) gallons of water used exceeding said average usage under the provisions of section 8-4-12 of this chapter.
Schedule 13: Frozen Water Policy:
The following represents basic regulations related to frozen water services. It is emphasized that only freezing water problems located underground shall be considered. Freezing water problems within the basement or dwelling shall not be considered.
(A) The customer shall protect the water meter from freezing when located in the basement and in the event of accidental or wilful damage to the meter caused by freezing, the customer shall notify the water department, which will make the necessary repairs to the meter and charge the customer for the labor and material costs. Water meters located in yard pits shall be protected by the water department.
(B) To qualify, the customer must notify the water department in writing prior to running water to prevent freezing. A meter reading shall also be presented at this time. Prior authority must be obtained from the city before any water is left running to prevent freezing. Normally the frost penetration is not of sufficient depth to warrant running water to prevent freezing until after December 1.
(C) Qualified customers shall be billed for fifty percent (50%) of the water used in excess of the customer’s average water usage, in addition to the regular rates established. Averages shall be computed based on the two (2) previous years. If a history does not exist, the city superintendent shall determine the average.
(D) In the event the water service freezes, the customer shall pay all costs relating to thawing frozen water services or lines. When the water service cannot be thawed, the customer shall notify the water department and the bill shall be prorated. The customer shall also notify the water department whenever the water thaws.
(E) When the water service cannot be thawed, the customer may, with written approval of the water department, connect to an adjacent customer with a garden hose and the water department shall perform the necessary paperwork and the connecting customer shall be billed in accordance with subsection (C) of this schedule 13. The customer may perform the necessary work or the water department may be asked to perform this work and the charges relating to said work shall be borne by the customer.
Schedule 14: Exceptions
The Savanna township park district shall be provided, without charge, a single water service fee for one restroom facility and one remote water spigot for watering flowers, all located in the Marquette park facility within the corporate limits of the city of Savanna, along the shores of the Mississippi River and between Division Street and Randolph Street.
(A) The city of Savanna shall reserve unto itself the authority and right to rescind its action to provide free water service fees with or without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice to the Savanna township park district. (Ord. 1184, 1-8-1980; amd. Ord. 1212, 1-13-1981; amd. Ord. 1356, 6-13-1989; amd. Ord. 1725, 5-13-2003; amd. Ord. 1737, 8-12-2003; amd. Ord. 1742, 9-9-2003; amd. Ord. 1895, 4-8-2008; amd. Ord. 2020, 11-27-2012; amd. Ord. 2033, 4-23-2013; amd. Ord. 2079, 12-10-2013; amd. Ord. 2221, 4-10-2018; amd. Ord. 2246, 4-23-2019; amd. Ord. 2266, 5-26-2020; amd. Ord. 2268, 5-26-2020; Ord. 2288, 4-27-2021; Ord. 2304, 4-26-2022; Ord. 2315, 1-10-2023; Ord. 2323, 4-25-2023)