All meters, piping, gauges and other appliances and equipment furnished by and at the expense of the water department which may be in the customer's premises shall be and remain the property of the water department. The customer shall protect and be responsible for such property in the case of loss or damage and only authorized agents of the water department will be permitted to remove or repair such property. The owner shall maintain or cause to maintain free access to all water department properties. The owner or tenant shall not store or construct any obstacles which will interfere with the reading, repairing or removal of the water meter. The owner shall keep his curb stop and box free from obstructions so that the water can be turned on or off whenever necessary without delay.
It is the owner's responsibility to provide a properly functioning curb box free from obstructions within six (6) months after the effective date hereof. After this period of time, the owner will be charged for this service on a time and material basis as outlined under section 8-4-23, schedule 10, "repair fee", of this chapter. (1977 Code)