No water from the city water supply system shall be turned on for service into any premises by any person other than the superintendent of the water department or some person authorized by him to perform this service.
No water shall be turned on for service in premises in which the plumbing does not comply with the provisions of this code and the current state plumbing code, provided that water may be turned on for construction purposes in unfinished buildings, subject to the provisions of this chapter and section 8-4-23, schedule 7(D), of this chapter.
The charge for turn on services and other service calls shall be as listed in section 8-4-23, schedule 8, of this chapter. Normal shut offs from a service standpoint shall be charged the indicated rate. Charges for final turn offs shall be exempt from the above charges.
Any person who shall turn on the supply of water to any premises from which the supply of water has been turned off by the water department due to nonpayment of water service charges or for any other reason without receiving written permission or authority to do so from the water superintendent shall be subject to a penalty in accordance with section 8-4-24 of this chapter.
Plumbers will be allowed to turn on the water temporarily to test their work, upon verbal approval from the superintendent. (1977 Code)