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   This subchapter shall have no legal effect under the MERS Plan Document until a certified copy of Ordinance 091012-1 is filed with MERS, and MERS determines that all necessary requirements under Plan Document Section 19B, Ordinance 091012-1, and other applicable requirements have been met. All dates for implementation of Benefit Program H under Section 19B shall be determined by MERS from the date of filing with MERS of Ordinance 091012-1 in proper form and content. Upon MERS determination that all necessary documents have been submitted to MERS, MERS shall record its formal approval upon Ordinance 091012-1, and return a copy to the Employer's Hybrid Program Plan Coordinator identified in § 30.23(D). In the event an amendatory ordinance or other action by the City Council is required, such ordinance or action will be deemed effective as of the date of the initial ordinance or action where concurred in by the City Council and MERS (and the third-party administrator if necessary). Section 54 of the Plan Document shall apply to this subchapter and all acts performed under its authority. The terms and conditions of this ordinance supersede and stand in place of any prior ordinance or resolution, and its terms are controlling.
(Ord. 091012-1, passed 10-12-2009)