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§ 154.142 SCREENING.
   (A)   Intent. The intent of this section is to promote the public’s health, safety and general welfare by minimizing noise, air and visual pollution; to improve the appearance of off-street parking and other vehicular use areas; and require buffering between incompatible land uses.
   (B)   Application. These requirements shall apply to all uses for which site plan review is required under §§ 154.060 through 154.068 and any other use so specified in this chapter.
   (C)   Landscape plan required. A landscape plan shall be required to be submitted as part of a site plan review (see §§ 154.060 through 154.068) showing landscaping, greenbelt buffer zone(s), and/or screening consistent with the requirements set forth herein. The landscape plan shall include but not be limited to:
      (1)   Location, spacing, size and descriptions for each plant type proposed for use within the required landscape area;
      (2)   Minimum scale: one inch equals ten feet;
      (3)   Existing and proposed contours on-site and where requested by the Zoning Administrator, 150 feet beyond the site at intervals not to exceed two feet;
      (4)   Typical straight cross-section including slope, height and width of berms and type of ground cover, or height and type of construction of wall or fence, including footings;
      (5)   Significant construction details to resolve specific site conditions, such as tree wells to preserve existing trees or culverts to maintain natural drainage patterns;
      (6)   Planting and staking details in either text or drawing form to ensure proper installation and establishment of proposed plant materials;
      (7)   Identification of existing trees and vegetative cover to be preserved;
      (8)   Identification of grass and other ground cover and method of planting; and
      (9)   Identification of landscape maintenance program including statement that all diseased, damaged or dead materials shall be replaced in accordance with standards of this chapter.
   (D)   Screening between land uses. Upon any project for which a site plan is required, or whenever a nonresidential use or multiple family dwelling abuts a residentially zoned or used property, screening shall be constructed along all adjoining boundaries with residentially zoned or used property. The Planning Commission may waive some or all of these provisions for a planned unit development where the waiving of the provisions will strengthen the planned unit development concept. The required screening may be accomplished by the following methods:
      (1)   A buffer zone at least ten feet in width consisting of living plant materials so as to maintain a minimum opacity of at least 80%. Opacity shall be measured by observation of any two square yard area of landscape screen between one foot above the finished grade and the top or highest point of the screen. The plantings must meet this standard based on reasonably anticipated growth over a period of three years. In the event that after a period of three years, the screening has not achieved an opacity of 80%, the property owner may be required to install additional plant material.
      (2)   An earthen berm constructed with slopes not to exceed 1:3 and planted with grass, ground cover or other living plant material to prevent soil erosion. Berms shall be constructed with a rounded surface with a 2-foot minimum width at the highest point of the berm and extending the length of the berm.
      (3)   A solid wall or fence meeting the requirements of this section at least five feet but not greater than six feet in height measured on the side of the proposed wall having the higher grade within five feet horizontally. When the distance between structures or adjoining lots is less than twice the minimum setback, or where there is a need to provide a greater noise or dust barrier or to screen more intense development, a solid wall or fence may be required at the discretion of the Planning Commission.
      (4)   A combination of an earthen berm and a solid wall which meet the requirements of this section.
   (E)   Screening adjacent to a street or highway. Upon any project for which a site plan review is required, a greenbelt buffer strip with the minimum width determined by half the front yard setback its zoning classification shall be located between the abutting right-of-way of a public street or state highway.
      (1)   The buffer strip shall be landscaped with a minimum of one tree not less than 12 feet in height or a minimum caliper of two and one-half inches (whichever is greater at the time of planting), for each 30 lineal feet, or major portion thereof, of frontage abutting the right-of-way. The remainder of the greenbelt shall be landscaped in grass, ground cover, shrubs and/or other natural living landscape material.
      (2)   Access ways from a public right of way through required landscape strips shall be permitted, but the access ways shall not be subtracted from the lineal dimension used to determine the minimum number of trees required unless the calculations would result in a violation of the spacing requirement set forth in this section.
   (F)   Additional screening requirements. Where a commercial or industrial zone or use abuts a residential zone or use, all support equipment including but not limited to air conditioning and heating equipment, gas meters and exhaust fans located outside of a building shall be screened from the view of abutting streets and surrounding properties. If the building is located in the Historic District, the proposed screening must be approved by the Historic District.
      (1)   Roof mounted equipment. Roof mounted equipment shall be screened from the view of abutting streets and surrounding properties by an architectural feature such as a parapet wall, roof or other structure that is compatible with the building. If the building is located within the Historic District, the proposed screening must be approved by the Historic District Commission.
      (2)   Equipment at finished grade. When located on the ground adjacent to a building, mechanical equipment shall be screened from the view of the street or surrounding properties by a solid wall, fencing or landscaping.
      (3)   Outdoor storage. In all commercial or industrial districts, outdoor storage areas shall be screened by a solid wall, fence or landscaping.
      (4)   Public utility substations. Public utility substations shall be screened on all sides by a solid wall, fence or landscaping.
      (5)   Loading areas. Loading areas shall be screened whenever abutting a different zone or a residential property consistent with the requirements of this section.
      (6)   Trash storage areas. All areas used for the storage of trash or rubbish including dumpsters and other commercial containers shall be screened on all sides by a solid screen no less than six feet in height. Gates shall have a working latch and remain closed when not in use. All such enclosures shall be maintained in good working order with properly functioning gates and hardware.
      (7)   Privacy screen. Structures in a Residential Zone shall not exceed six feet in height above the surface of the deck, patio or pool or other area to be screened. These structures shall not require a fence permit.
   (G)   Parking lot landscaping. Separate landscaped areas shall be required either within or at the perimeter of parking lots. There shall be one tree for every eight parking spaces, with minimum landscaped space within a designated parking area of 50 square feet. A minimum distance of three feet shall be established between proposed tree or shrub plantings and the backside of the curb or edge of the pavement.
   (H)   Greenbelt buffers.
      (1)   A strip of land with a minimum width determined by the front yard setback of its zoning classification shall be located between the abutting right-of-way of a public street, state highway or major thoroughfare, and shall be landscaped with a minimum of one tree not less than 12 feet in height or a minimum caliper of two and one-half inches (whichever is greater at the time of planting) for each 30 lineal feet, or major portion thereof, of frontage abutting the right-of-way. The remainder of the greenbelt shall be landscaped in grass, ground cover, shrubs and/or other natural, living, landscape material.
      (2)   Access ways from a public right-of-way through required landscape strips shall be permitted, but the access ways shall not be subtracted from the lineal dimension used to determine the minimum number of trees required unless the calculation would result in a violation of the spacing requirement set forth in this section.
   (I)   Exceptions to fencing and screening requirements.
      (1)   Buildings abutting lot lines. Required screening or fencing may be omitted along any lot line where a building wall exists immediately abutting the lot line.
      (2)   Location adjustment. Where property line fencing or screening is required, the location may be adjusted so the fencing may be constructed at or within the setback line, provided the areas between the fence and the lot lines are landscaped, or in naturally vegetated areas, retained in their natural vegetative state at the discretion of the Planning Commission.
      (3)   Existing screening. Any fence, screen, wall or hedge which does not conform to the provisions of this section and which is legally existing at the effective date of this chapter may be continued and maintained, provided there is no physical change other than necessary maintenance and repair in such fence, screen, wall or hedge except as permitted in other sections of this chapter.
      (4)   Planning Commission modification. Any of the requirements of this section may be waived or modified through site plan approval, provided the Planning Commission first makes a written finding that specifically identified characteristics of the site or site vicinity would make required fencing or screening unnecessary or ineffective, or where it would impair vision at a driveway or street intersection.
      (5)   Zoning Board of Appeals. The Zoning Board of Appeals may require or waive any fencing, screening, landscaping or buffering as may be provided for in this section as a condition of a variance or other authorization in whatever manner necessary to achieve an identified public purpose. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall record the reason for the condition and clearly specify what is required in any approval granted.
(Ord. 02-02, passed 2-11-2002)