To be eligible for planned unit development approval, the applicant must demonstrate that the following criteria will be met.
(A) Recognizable and substantial benefit. The planned unit development shall result in a recognizable and substantial benefit to the ultimate users of the project and to the community. This benefit must otherwise be unfeasible or unlikely to be achieved taking into consideration the reasonable foreseeable detriments of the proposed development and uses(s); including, without limitation:
(1) The long-term protection and/or preservation of natural resources and natural features and/or historical and/or architectural features of a significant quantity and/or quality in need of protection or preservation on a local, state and/or national basis; and
Reducing to a significant extent the non-conformity of a non-conforming use or structure, i.e., modification of a non-conforming use or structure so that, to a significant extent, it is rendered more conforming, or less offensive, to the zoning district in which it is situated; and
(3) For areas zoned C-2 Downtown Waterfront Preservation District, the preservation of public access to waterfront yard locations or accessible waterfront pathways or boardwalks.
(B) Minimum area and density. The minimum land area necessary to be considered for a PUD shall not be less than the land areas as specified for a lot in the underlying zoning district in which the lot is presently located. The density of dwelling units shall not exceed that permitted within the underlying district. Density may be shifted throughout the site and dwellings may be clustered on lots smaller than those permitted in the underlying zone if doing so better achieves the open space preservation objectives of this subchapter.
(C) Availability and capacity of public services. The proposed planned unit development shall not exceed the capacity of existing and available public services, including but not necessarily limited to, police and fire protection services, and educational services, unless the project proposal contains an acceptable plan for providing necessary services or evidence that such services will be available by the time the planned unit development is completed.
(D) Compatibility with the land use plan. The proposed development shall not have an adverse impact on the Comprehensive Plan of the city.
(E) Compatibility with the planned unit development intent. The proposed developments shall be consistent with the intent and intent of these regulations, as stated in § 154.110.
(F) Economic impact. The proposed developments shall not impede the continued use or development of surrounding properties for uses that are permitted in the district in which they are located.
(G) Unified control of property. The proposed development shall be under single ownership or control such that there is a single person or entity having responsibility for completing the project in conformity with the planned unit development regulations. This provision shall not prohibit a transfer of ownership or control, provided that notice of the transfer is given immediately to the Zoning Administrator.
(H) Dedication of utilities and roads. Roads within the PUD development not associated with access to individual commercial or residential units shall be dedicated to the city. Likewise, utility easements shall be conveyed to the city. Utility easements and roads in PUD developments approved prior to the enactment of this chapter may remain in private ownership.
(Ord. 02-02, passed 2-11-2002; Am. Ord. 240122-B, passed 1-22-2024)