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   (A)   If the Commission finds that a resource within a historic district or a proposed historic district is threatened with demolition by neglect, the Commission shall encourage the owner of the resource to do what is necessary to restore or maintain the exterior of the structure or its structural integrity.
   (B)   If the Commission or Historic District Administrator finds that a resource within a historic district or proposed historic district is deteriorating to such an extent that it creates a potential hazard to the public safety and welfare, thus raising the possibility of the city issuing a demolition order under Chapter 150 of this title, the Commission shall inform the owner that if work is not undertaken to improve the condition of the building, a demolition order will be issued.
   (C)   In either situation described in divisions (A) or (B), the Commission shall provide the owner of the resource with information regarding the Michigan historic preservation tax credit and any other funding, of which the Commission is aware, that may be available from either public or private sources.
   (D)   The Commission may require the owner to repair all conditions contributing to demolition by neglect.
   (E)   If the owner does not or cannot correct the condition of neglect within a reasonable time, the Commission or its agents may seek and obtain an order from the circuit court allowing the Commission or its agents to enter the property and conduct work necessary to prevent demolition by neglect. The costs of the work shall be charged to the owner, and may be levied by the city as a special assessment against the property.
(Ord. passed 3-27-2000; Am. Ord. 080324-1, passed 3-24-2008)