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   (A)   The Planning Commission shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the submitted site plan. Reasons for a denial shall be set forth in writing.
   (B)   Where City Council approval is required the Planning Commission shall transmit its recommendation to the City Council. The City Council shall thereafter review the site plan and may approve, approve with conditions or deny the submitted site plan. Reasons for denial shall be set forth in writing. The applicant shall be provided with a copy of the resolution of the City Council regarding the site plan.
   (C)   Approval of a site plan is valid one year. If physical construction of a substantial nature of the improvements included in the approved site plan has not commenced and proceeded meaningfully toward completion the approval shall be null and void.
   (D)   Upon written application, filed before the termination of the one-year review period, the Planning Commission may authorize one extension of not more than one year. The extension shall only be granted based on evidence from the applicant that the development has a likelihood of commencing construction within the one-year extension.
(Ord. 170626-2, passed 6-26-2017