(A)   Except as provided in this chapter, completed applications for a film permit must be filed in the Administrator's office at least:
      (1)   Three business days before the filming date for a permit that does not require city services; or
      (2)   Five business days before the filming date for filming involving stunts or traffic control; or
      (3)   Ten business days before the filming date for filming involving closure of public streets or rights-of-way, or use of pyrotechnics, fire, or explosives for special effects, except that an application may be filed pursuant to subsection (A)(1) if special effects are limited to the use of "squibs" as defined in Cal. Code of Regs. Title 19, § 980, or any successor regulation, and the fire department determined the pyrotechnic operator's license to be in good standing within the previous 12 months.
   (B)   Except as provided in this chapter, completed applications for a film permit must be denied, approved, or conditionally approved by the Administrator within the applicable time periods established by subsections (A)(1) through (3). Following his or her decision, the Administrator will promptly attempt to notify the applicant orally and in writing.
   (C)   Unless otherwise provided, the applicant's acceptance of the approval or conditional approval must be received by the Administrator before the filming date. Failure to accept the decision or failure to file a request for appeal constitutes a withdrawal of the application.
(Ord. 1225, passed 1-19-10)