117.01 Definition
117.02 Permit required
117.03 Permit application; contents
117.04 Application fee
117.05 Conditions for granting
117.06 Issuance requirements
117.07 Notice of decision
117.08 Action on application; appeal
117.09 Conditions for suspension or revocation
117.10 Suspension or revocation procedure; appeal
117.11 Exclusions
117.12 Conditions for transfer of permit
117.13 Location and type of entertainment
117.14 Administration
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ENTERTAINMENT. Every form of live entertainment, music, band or orchestra, act, play, burlesque show, fashion show, review, pantomime, scene, song or dance, act, or song and dance act or any other act or performance participated in by one or more persons for the purpose of holding or gaining attention and interest of, diverting or amusing guests or patrons, and shall include any of such forms of live entertainment when used in connection with, or as a means to attract or hold the attention of such guests or patrons for the purpose of advertise-ment, demonstration or display of goods, wares, merchandise or service, and also includes recordings, tapes and records, jukeboxes and other instruments
and equipment used for the reproduction of sound, where the same are used for the sole or primary attraction of guests or patrons.
('81 Code, § 5.32.010) (Ord. 723, passed - -79)
It is unlawful for any person conducting, operating, owning or in control of any premises open to the public, or private club within the city to allow any entertainment upon the premises, or in or upon any adjoining room of the premises, unless the city issued a valid permit to such person pursuant to the provisions of this code. Persons complying with Chapter 124 of this code need not, in addition, obtain a permit pursuant to this chapter.
('81 Code, § 5.32.020) (Ord. 723, passed - -79; Am. Ord. 1151, passed 1-3-06) Penalty, see Ch. 13