Three industrial zones and one industrial park overlay zone are established to preserve and enhance areas for a variety of manufacturing/industrial business activities and support commercial businesses. This chapter sets forth standards to ensure compatibility between manufacturing/industrial uses and other land uses; to protect adjacent properties from excessive illumination, noise, noxious gases, odor, smoke, traffic, vibration, unsightliness and other nuisances; to encourage quality development; and to accommodate the varied needs of the business community.
(A) Light Industrial Zone (LI). The LI zone allows low-intensity industrial businesses, including small-scale manufacturing, warehousing and storage. This zone is intended to provide an exclusive district for industrial operations that do not produce emissions of odor, dust, gas, fumes, smoke, glare, liquids, waste, noise, vibrations, disturbances or other similar impacts to surrounding properties. All operations are to be conducted entirely within enclosed buildings.
(B) Industrial Zone (I). The I zone allows a wide range of assembly, distribution, industrial, manufacturing, storage uses, and other industrial businesses that serve both local and regional customer bases. Limited outdoor operations that do not create objectionable impacts to surrounding properties, such as emissions of odor, dust, gas, fumes, smoke, glare, liquids, waste, noise, vibrations, disturbances or other similar impacts, are permitted in this zone. Heavy industrial uses are required to mitigate objectionable characteristics through the application of site design standards, environmental standards, and by review under a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with Chapter 16.218 of this Title 16.
(C) Industrial Park Overlay Zone (IP). The IP zone is an overlay zone that can be applied to the preceding two zones in order to provide greater flexibility in industrial design and allow low-intensity industrial, commercial, and office uses within master-planned, integrated industrial subdivisions. Commercial uses that support industrial activities are also permitted within the IP overlay zone.
(D) Manufacturing Zone (M-1).
(1) The M-1 zone is intended to provide a district of manufacturing, processing or treatment or products and heavy commercial uses in a manner to assure compatibility with adjacent uses.
(2) In addition to the uses identified in Table 21-1, the M-1 zone allows any kind of manufacturing, processing or treatment of products other than any which produce, cause or emit any fumes, odor, dust, smoke, gas, noise or vibrations which are or may be detrimental to properties in the neighborhood or to the welfare of the occupant thereof.
(3) Uses customarily incidental to any of the conditionally permitted uses set forth in Table 21-1 and accessory buildings when located on the same lot must be conducted within a completely enclosed building when appropriate for that business; open storage of materials and equipment is permitted only when incidental to the use of the light manufacturing use conducted on the premises, and such opt storage must conform with the requirements of § 16.21.050.
(Ord. 1100, passed 7-6-04; Am. Ord. 1167, passed 11-20-06; Am. Ord. 1305, passed 10-7-20)