(A) No person, except a peace officer, shall wear or in any manner carry concealed upon his person any loaded or unloaded gun, pistol or revolver, or any other dangerous or deadly weapon permitted to be carried by law, without having, at the same time, actually in his possession and upon his person, an unexpired permit to do so issued by the Chief of Police or other police officer designated by him.
('81 Code, § 9.24.030)
(B) (1) The Chief of Police shall have the power to issue to any person who, in his judgment, shall have such privilege, a written permit to carry concealed any of the weapons specified in division (A) of this section.
(2) Such permits shall be numbered con-secutively in the order in which they are issued.
(3) No permit shall be granted for a longer period than 12 months.
(4) Each such permit shall state the name, address and occupation of the person to whom the same is issued, and the date of its expiration, and shall specify the kind and description of weapon authorized to be carried concealed by such person.
('81 Code, § 9.24.040) Penalty, see § 132.99
(A) The Chief of Police shall keep a record of all permits issued by him under § 132.03(B).
(B) No permit required by § 132.03(A) shall be issued to any person until such person has paid to the Chief of Police or other police officer designated by him a registration fee in an amount to be established by resolution of the City Council.
(C) The Chief of Police shall pay to the City Treasurer, weekly, all such registration fees received during the preceding week for deposit in the general fund.
('81 Code, § 9.24.050)
(A) Possession where liquor is sold. It shall be unlawful for any person to carry concealed upon his or her person any dangerous or deadly weapon or to carry any dangerous or deadly weapon upon or about any place where intoxicating liquors are sold.
(B) Engaging in fight or disorderly conduct. It is unlawful for any person who has concealed upon his person or who has in his immediate physical possession any deadly or dangerous weapon to engage in any fight or to participate in any other rough or disorderly conduct upon any public place or way or upon the premises of another.
(C) Possession of weapon in automobile. It is unlawful for any person to have in his possession, in any automobile, any dangerous or deadly weapon, but this restriction shall not be deemed to prohibit the carrying of ordinary tools or equipment carried in good faith for uses of honest work, trade or business, or for the purpose of legitimate sport or recreation.
('81 Code, § 9.24.060) Penalty, see § 132.99
Any violation of this chapter is a misdemeanor and punishable according to Chapter 13 of this code.
('81 Code, § 9.24.070) (Ord. 726, passed - -79)