(A) It is unlawful to park any vehicle of a rated size of more than three-fourths of one ton, special construction equipment, implement of husbandry or any trailer not connected to a vehicle on any street or highway in any residential area for a period exceeding five hours or more than the time reasonably necessary to carry out such work or service as reasonably requires the presence of such a vehicle in the residential area, whichever is longer.
(B) Except as otherwise provided, recreational vehicles, farm labor buses and authorized emergency vehicles may be parked for a time period up to 24 consecutive hours. On streets less than 36 feet wide which are beyond 25 feet from the curb return of any street intersection, such vehicles may be parked for a time period not longer than five consecutive hours.
(C) A person violates this section if, once a vehicle was parked or left standing upon a street or alley for the allowable parking time, it is not moved at least one-quarter mile from its initial parking place for a minimum of four hours before being again parked on the same street or alley.
('81 Code, § 10.28.220) (Ord. 1166, passed 9-18-06) Penalty, see § 70.99