(A)   Application and installation.
      (1)   Each person desiring service from a new or existing automatic fire line shall make application and pay a fee to the city as provided elsewhere in this subchapter. The applicant shall agree that no water shall be used through the fire service except that which is reasonably related to fire protection and shall agree to permit employees of the city upon proper identification to enter the premises to make inspections and tests of the fire system.
      (2)   The city assumes no responsibility for loss or damage because of lack of water or pressure and shall merely furnish such quantities and pressure as are available in its distribution system. The service is subject to shutdown and variations required by the operation of the system.
      (3)   Applicants for new fire service installa-tions shall pay the appropriate installation fee. Prior to commencing such work, the Director shall calcu-late the charge and the applicant shall pay to the city said charge. All fire service connections and by-pass meters shall be the property of the city. Backflow prevention devices, water valves and piping after the service connection to the water main shall be the property of the applicant.
      (4)   All connections to automatic fire services shall be in a manner prescribed by the Director. Substandard connections or the installation of any private non-city approved materials within the appurtenant fire service facilities shall be corrected or removed within 30 days of mailing of notice by registered mail to the owner of record of the auto-matic fire service. Failure to comply may result in discontinued service.
      (5)   All new and existing automatic fire service installation connections must be inspected and approved by the city prior to commencement of service.
   (B)   Charges for service. The standby charge for automatic fire service shall be set from time to time by resolution of the City Council. No additional charge shall be made for water used when in the opinion of the Director such usage is reasonably related to fire protection.
   (C)   Misuse of fire service. When in the opinion of the Director, water is used which is not reasonably related to fire protection, double the established monthly charges shall apply until such usage is abated. Should any customer fail to abate the usage of water not related to fire protection within a reasonable period, the city may discontinue the fire service. The customer shall be notified of such discontinuance and the city shall be held free from liability for loss or damage as a result of such shutoff. Services shall not be resumed until the customer has established to the satisfaction of the Director that adequate provisions have been made to prevent further unauthorized use of water and has paid all outstanding standby charges, plus a turn on charge as described in § 52.033. In case of fire services which do not have approved backflow prevention devices, the Director may also require the installation of such a device at the customer's expense prior to resuming service.
(Ord. 993, passed 12-18-95)