(A) The Superintendent of Streets shall have charge of all street work and street improvement in the city and shall do all acts in that regard as may be deemed necessary and proper by the Council.
(B) He shall do every act required of him in the laying out, opening, extending, widening or straightening, in whole or in part, of public streets, squares, lanes, alleys, courts and places and the calculation of all assessments therefor that may be required by any law of the state or any order, resolution or ordinance of the Council.
('81 Code, § 2.16.030)
Statutory reference:
Duties, see Cal Sts. & High. Code §§ 5680 et seq.
(A) Pursuant to Cal. Gov't Code § 36518, the City Clerk and City Treasurer shall each execute a bond in a reasonable amount to the city.
(B) The amount of the bond shall be recommended by the City Attorney and fixed by resolution of the City Council.
('81 Code, § 2.28.010)
Other officers and employees of the city, including members of the various boards and commissions thereof, whether or not they receive compensation for their services, shall execute to the city such bonds as the Council may from time to time require pursuant to Cal. Gov't Code § 36519.
('81 Code, § 2.28.020)
(A) A blanket bond indemnifying the city against the acts of two or more officers or employees shall excuse such officers or employees from executing a separate official bond to the city to the extent such blanket bond is in the penal sum for which such officer or employee is required to be bonded.
(B) If such blanket bond is in less than the penal sum for which such officer or employee is required to be bonded, then such officer or employee shall execute a separate bond to the city for the difference between the amount of the blanket bond and such penal sum.
('81 Code, § 2.28.040)
The bond of each officer or employee bonded under this subchapter shall apply to and cover all of the duties performed by such officer or employee for the city, whether or not appertaining to the principal duties of the office or position to which such officer or employee was elected or appointed.
('81 Code, § 2.28.050)