Administrative Remedies
   11.40   Applicability
   11.41   Director; defined
   11.42   Compliance order
   11.43   Method of service
   11.44   Hearing
   11.45   Notice of hearing
   11.46   Hearing; findings and order
   11.47   Administrative order
   11.48   Administrative penalties
   11.49   Administrative costs
   11.50   Failure to comply with administrative order
   11.51   Right of judicial review
   11.52   Recovery of administrative civil penalties
   11.53   Report of compliance after administrative order
   11.54   Compliance dispute
   11.55   Lien procedure
   11.56   Public hearings and protests
   11.57   Recording of lien
   11.58   Satisfaction of lien
   11.59   Foreclosure of real property lien
   11.60   Redemption of lien
   11.61   Penalties as a Personal Obligation
   11.62   Interest
   11.63   Rules and Regulations
   (A)   This subchapter is adopted pursuant to Cal. Gov't Code § 53069.4.
   (B)   This subchapter provides for administrative remedies, which are in addition to all other legal remedies, criminal or civil, which may be pursued by the city to address any violation of this Code.
   (C)   The administrative remedies process set forth in this subchapter applies to continuing violations of this code, not limited to violations of the:
      (1)   Uniform Administrative Code (§§ 150.001 and 150.002);
      (2)   Uniform Building Code (§§ 150.015 and 150.016);
      (3)   Uniform Plumbing Code (§§ 150.025 and 150.026);
      (4)   Uniform Fire Code (§§ 150.035 to 150.040);
      (5)   National Electrical Code (§§ 150.045 and 150.046);
      (6)   Uniform Housing Code (§§ 150.055 and 150.056);
      (7)   Uniform Mechanical Code (§§ 150.065 and 150.066);
      (8)   Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings (§ 150.075);
      (9)   Uniform Code for Building Conservation (§§ 150.085 and 150.086); and
      (10)    Zoning Code (Chapter 156)
   (D)   This subchapter shall be used at the sole discretion of the city, subject to division (C) above.
('81 Code, § 1.14.010) (Ord. 1010, passed 10-21-96)
   For purposes of this subchapter, DIRECTOR means the head of any city department which is charged with responsibility for enforcement of any provision of this Code, or any person as the City Manager may designate.
('81 Code, § 1.14.020) (Ord. 1010, passed 10-21-96)
   (A)   Whenever the Director determines that a violation of any provision of this Code within the Director's responsibility is occurring or exists, the Director may issue a written compliance order to any person responsible for the violation.
   (B)   A compliance order issued pursuant to this subchapter shall contain the following information:
      (1)   The date and location of the violation;
      (2)   The section of this Code violated and a description of the violation;
      (3)   The action required to correct the violation;
      (4)   The time period after which administrative penalties will begin to accrue if compliance with the order has not been achieved;
      (5)   Either a copy of this subchapter or an explanation of the consequences of noncompliance with this subchapter and a description of the hearing procedure and appeal process.
('81 Code, § 1.14.030) (Ord. 1010, passed 10-21-96)
   (C) The Director shall give the violator a reasonable period in which to comply with the compliance order. However, should the violation constitute an imminent threat to life or property, immediate compliance may be ordered.
(Ord. 1026, passed 2-16-99)