General Provisions
   53.01   Authority of City Manager
   53.02   Water pressure; consent of customer
   53.03   Emergency shut-off
   53.04   Tampering with equipment
   53.05   Application for service
   53.06   Application for new service; installation fees
   53.07   Service fee; ownership and maintenance of equipment
   53.08   Meters and service pipes
   53.09   Service connection in subdivided property
   53.10   Removal and reinstallation of service
   53.11   Meter by-passes
   53.12   Change of service location or size
   53.13   Right of entry of city; refusing entrance
   53.14   Unsafe or wasteful practices; payment for damage; liability of city
   53.15   Service to independent consumers on same premises
   53.16   Common service for separate properties; reselling water
   53.17   Service for private fire protection
   53.18   Use of fire hydrants
   53.19   Unauthorized use of water
   53.20   Cross-connections
   53.21   Shut-off valves
   53.22   Obstruction of meter boxes, shut-off valves, and the like
   53.23   Noncompliance with rules and regulations
   53.24   Restoration of service
   53.25   Meter readings
   53.26   Notice to city of current information
   53.27   Fraud
   53.28   Rendering and payment of bills
   53.29   Temporary services
   53.30   Meter failure
   53.31   Meter testing
   53.32   Adjustment of complaints
   53.33   Trunk line connection fees
   53.34   Main extensions
   53.35   Deeding of water rights to city
Cross-Connection Control Program
   53.45   Authority
   53.46   Purpose
   53.47   Definitions
   53.48   Determination of need for backflow prevention
   53.49   Water system
   53.50   Backflow prevention assembly requirement
   53.51   Type of backflow prevention assembly required
   53.52   Backflow prevention assembly required for specific uses
   53.53   Backflow prevention assemblies required for fire protection systems
   53.54   Application to install a backflow prevention assembly
   53.55   Installation of an approved backflow prevention assembly
   53.56   Approval of backflow prevention assemblies
   53.57   Inspection and testing of backflow prevention assemblies
   53.58   Qualification and certification to inspect and maintain a backflow prevention assembly
   53.59   Conditions for terminating water service
   53.60   Procedure for terminating water service
   53.61   Remedies for noncompliance