Every franchise hereafter granted by the city for the period covered by the franchise, to erect, con-struct, operate, alter, maintain and use any electrical distribution and transmission systems consisting of poles, towers, crossarms, conduits, manholes, vaults, cables, wires, transformers, switches and other equipment, appliances and appurtenances including communication circuits, for the purpose of conducting, transmitting, and distributing electricity and electrical energy for light, heat, and power and for any and all other purposes for which electricity can be used on, along, upon, over, in, under, and across the streets within the city, except as otherwise provided in the ordinance granting the franchise, shall be granted subject to the following terms and conditions in addition to such of the general terms and conditions of §§ 114.001 through 114.041 of this chapter as are incorporated by reference in the ordinance granting the franchise and in addition to the terms and conditions set forth in the ordinance granting the franchise.
('64 Code, § 10-92) (Ord. 168, passed 2-9-61)